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Rylie put her hands on her shoulders and pulled her back. “Just let it go.”

She took a shaky breath and let Rylie lead her to the car. Once she was in the seat, she stared out the window as they drove down the hill back toward Sweetheart.

After several moments of silence, Rylie spoke, “You know, if they could just find a little bit of money to restore it, I bet Sweetheart could use it as a wedding venue. It has beautiful views of the Sierra Mountains, the river, and the rolling hills. Plus, people would pay a buttload to have a themed wedding up there, if it was all painted and landscaped.”

Rylie’s words sunk in. A little bit of money and Buzzard Gulch could be beautiful. Sure, the town had blocked all attempts to update it, but if it was privately owned…

Marley smiled for the first time in days. “I need you to drive me out to Kelly’s.”

“Now?” Rylie asked.

“Right now.”

Rylie made a left at the stop sign. “Why do you want to talk to Kelly?”

“Because I have a business proposition for her.”

The minute Rylie pulled into Kelly’s driveway, Marley leapt out without waiting for her to even put the car in park. She jogged up the front steps and started banging on the front door.

After knocking for several minutes, Kelly finally opened the door in just a robe, her long hair wet and dripping around her shoulders.

“Marley, what are you doing? I was in the bath.”

“Sorry but it couldn’t wait.” Rylie came up alongside her, panting, and Marley continued, “Can we come in? I have proposition for you.”

“Really, Marley, I’ve had a long day and I think we both need some time—”

“Just give me five minutes, and if you don’t like what you hear, we’ll go. No harm, no foul.”

Kelly glanced over at Rylie, who shrugged. Finally, with a heavy sigh, she stepped back to let them pass. “Come on in, I guess.”

Kelly and Rylie sat down on the couch under the window, but Marley was too wired to sit. “You still have the money from Sonora’s parents, right?”

Kelly frowned. “Of course, it’s your money. Did you think I would really do that to you?”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I just wanted to know if you gave it back to them,” Marley said.

“I thought when you calmed down, you might need it.”

“I do need it. Badly.” Finally, she sat, both of her hands on her knees to keep her legs still. “I want to invest it in the restoration of Buzzard Gulch.”

Both Rylie and Kelly blinked at her in surprise, but it was Kelly that said, “I beg your pardon?”

“And I want you to invest with me.”

A laugh burst from Kelly, until she seemed to realize Marley was dead serious. “Why would I want to invest in an old ghost town?”

Marley gleefully clapped her hands. “Because we’re going to buy it from Dustin Kent and turn it into a premiere wedding venue. Rylie had the fantastic idea of restoring it all to its former glory, and we can charge people to use it. Comfort meets the old west. Plus, there are gorgeous places for pictures up there and Rylie pointed out that you have three different geographical views that are sure to delight people. It’s the perfect solution. Keep and maintain a historical landmark and make oodles of money to boot.”

Kelly held up her hands. “Okay, I can tell you’re excited about this, but several hours ago, you hated my guts. Why would you want to go into business with me?”

“I didn’t hate you Kelly. I was disappointed, but I could never hate you. But to answer your question, you know the wedding business inside and out and I love Buzzard Gulch. It’s special to me, just like it was special to my sister. I’m doing this for her.”

Kelly’s wariness melted into a sad smile. “Marley, I want to make amends with you so badly my heart hurts, but—”

“Before you say no, it wouldn’t just be you. I’d want Rylie in in on this deal.”

Rylie’s eyes about popped out of her head. “Me? But I don’t even have a quarter of what I’d need in my savings to invest in something like this!”
