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There was no answer.

She climbed out of bed, putting on her bra and panties before sliding her silky bridesmaid dress over her head. She pulled her phone from the little clutch she’d had last night and texted him. Several moments passed, but there was no answer.

He wouldn’t have left town though. Not without saying good-bye. Not after all they’d shared.

She took the hotel key on the nightstand and walked down to the honeymoon suite where Brent and Kendall were. Maybe Luke had just gone out to get them coffee or something.

Except why wouldn’t he leave me a note?

Marley knocked loudly on the door and waited. When there was no movement inside the suite, she knocked again. Then she heard the stomp of feet on the floor.

“Hang on,” Kendall grumbled inside.

The door opened and she squinted at Marley. “You realize this is the morning after my wedding, right?”

“Yeah, sorry, but does Brent know where Luke is?”

“Luke?” Kendall turned and called out, “Brent, have you talked to Luke?”

“He had to get back to work,” Brent called from inside.

Marley didn’t want to believe it. Sure, she’d known there was a chance that last night could have just been a one-time thing, but she hadn’t really believed that. She thought they were more.

“So, he just left without even saying good-bye?” Marley said.

Brent stumbled up in a pair of boxers, but Marley didn’t have time to be embarrassed. Luke was gone. She had to find him. To tell him to stay.

“I guess. He started a new job and he couldn’t be late.”

Marley’s heart wouldn’t stop pounding and she just kept nodding. “Okay, okay, sorry to bother you. I’ve got to go.”


But Marley ignored Kendall and ran, forgoing the elevator and ran down the stairs. She didn’t bother putting on her heels until she reached the lobby, hopping on first one foot and then the other.

“Marley, what in the sam hill are you doing?” Turner asked.

“I’ve got a man to catch.” Marley tossed the hotel keys onto the counter without stopping. “Thanks for the room, Turner.”

Running out the door in the heels was torture, but there was no way she wanted to step on something sharp or disgusting in her bare feet. She kicked them off as soon as she got into her car and turned the key in the ignition.

She peeled out of the hotel parking lot and onto Omo Ranch, heading toward Sacramento. She’d get a flight to L.A. and track Luke down. She’d tell him if he wanted her to move, she would. She’d pour her heart out and if he told her it was too late, at least she’d have tried. Marley didn’t care if he was trying to give her a hint by taking off; she would do anything to keep Luke and maybe if he knew that, he’d be able to forgive her.

She was taking the corners at sixty, pressing harder on the gas the minute it straightened out. Too late, she saw the Sheriff’s car on the side of the road, and cursing a blue streak, she pulled over before he even flipped on his lights.

Marley started rummaging through her glove box for her registration, freaking out when she couldn’t find it right away. Being pulled over was like getting caught by her parents sneaking out. Usually they liked to lecture her, and she just didn’t have the time for that.

There was a tap on her passenger side window and she rolled it down. She couldn’t see his face, just his uniform, belt and the pockets on his chest.

“I am really sorry, sir, I am looking for my registration right now, but I’m actually trying to catch someone before they leave town, so if you could please just give me a warning, I would be so…”

She stopped talking as the deputy squatted down, smiling at her from under his hat.

It was Luke.

“Grateful?” she finished, completely confused. What was Luke still doing here? And in an El Dorado County Sherriff’s uniform?
