Page 36 of Hooked (TKO 2)

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“I know it won’t,” I admit. “Frankly, I’m terrified that Travis will find out, but I can only hope I never see him again.”

“Oh, honey,” Mom whispers, grabbing my other hand. “Everything will be okay. I can help you get your appointments set up.”

“I’d love that, Mom.” Their acceptance is all I wanted, and now that I have it, I don’t care about anything else.

“Lance, will you please join us for dinner?” Dad asks. Lance nods his head, and excitement eludes me. This seems like such a dream but this is as real as it gets. If everything else goes just as well, I’ll be a happy girl.

We sit through dinner, otherwise known as cartons of Chinese food. I guess we arrived at an awkward time. That’s okay with me. I am a sucker for sesame chicken and egg rolls. Lance and Dad converse, and it’s almost like Mom and I don’t exist but that’s just fine. She’s so excited to talk about babies. We discuss everything from potential nursery themes to names.

I stifle a yawn. Lance looks over at me and winks. Oh, how he makes me swoon. My heart flutters every time he looks at me, and I love it. “If you’re tired, babe, I can head out.”

I really want to tell him I don’t want him to leave. I want to spend more time with him, but I know I need some decent sleep. Besides last night, I haven’t really gotten any, and my body is craving it. My bottom lip pushes out and I begin pouting like a kid. Waking up to him this morning was amazing. Now I can only count down the days until I can do it again. He stands and thanks my parents for dinner and I offer to walk him out to his truck. Outside, I lean against his door and he stands in front of me.

“I’m sorry. I really don’t want you to leave,” I tell him.

“It’s okay, Hil, you’re tired. I don’t blame you. It’s been a long two days and you need your rest. I promise I will see you tomorrow.”

“You mean it?”

“I mean everything when it comes to you.” He leans down to kiss me. His lips are soft and inviting. I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. The heat between my thighs is intense. He moans, deepening the kiss, and I almost have to remind myself we are outside. I’d love to rip his shirt off of him. His hands rest against my shirt. The wind blows enough to lift the edge and when his hand touches my skin, I shudder.

He breaks the kiss. “I don’t want to be disrespectful with your parents inside.”

“I know. Thank you for being here today. They took it way better than I thought they would.”

He reaches up to brush my hair behind my ear. “You’re very welcome, sweetheart. I told you everything would be just fine.”

He’s right. I think I knew he was right from the beginning, and that allowed me to fully trust him. He pulls me in for a hug, holding me tight. I wish I didn’t have to let him leave. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough.

I move out of the way so he can climb into his truck. He gives me one more kiss before starting the engine. I watch as he drives off before walking back inside my house. I talk with my parents a little longer. I know they are concerned about the role Lance is stepping into, but I am persistent that this is what I want. Their concern at least shows me they truly care. Mom even admits Lance is quite a looker.

To have their approval makes all the bad things suddenly seem better. When I finally retire to my room, it doesn’t take much for me to pass out. First, I text Lance once more and thank him again for everything he’s doing for me.

Chapter 18


I look back in my rearview mirror as I drive away from Hilary’s house. Part of me is thrilled that her parents are as understanding as I’d hope they would be, but another part of me is selfish. The selfish part of me wishes she was sitting with me. I want to spend another night with her. That’s not too much to ask, right?

It’s not that late, and I don’t want to go home just yet. Dad is going to ask questions, and while I won’t hesitate to tell him the entire truth, I just want to postpone it a little longer. Another reason is I don’t want to end up in my room staring at the four walls so soon. No way in hell am I going to the bar. At the rate I’m going, I’m done with the bar scene. There is nothing that place holds for me anymore unless Hilary is coming with me. With a baby on the way, that won’t be for a very long time.

I keep driving until I reach Raegan and Garrett’s apartment. I look to see if any lights are on, and when the beacon of hope shines through the window, I park my truck. I knock and wait patiently for one of them to open the door for me. It takes a minute or two before Raegan opens it up. She glances at me with her eyebrow raised.

“It’s getting late, why are you here?” she asks with her hand on her hip. From the looks of her and her attitude, I blame the pregnancy hormones.

“Well, nice to see you too. Can I come in?”

“Garrett isn’t going out with you if that’s what you want.”

I throw my hands up in defeat. “I’m not going out, I just wanted to stop by, but if this is a bad time I can go.”

“Raegan, let him in,” Garrett calls from inside the house.

She sighs and steps back, giving me barely enough room to walk inside. She follows me closely to the couch hardly giving me room to breathe and sits beside me. She continues to watch me, and it’s starting to freak me out.

“Sorry to just pop up,” I tell Garrett, even though I turn to stare at Raegan. My voice turns to a slight whisper next which drives Raegan absolutely insane because I have to remember, she doesn’t know about the baby. “She talked to her parents and everything is good.”

“That’s awesome, man, I’m glad to hear that.”
