Page 38 of Hooked (TKO 2)

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My phone vibrates loudly and my heart begins beating wildly in my chest when her name pops up. I expected a text message, but a phone call is so much better. It’s not like I’m having a bad day or anything, but hearing her voice just makes everything better. I feel like a giddy school boy as I say hello. Her voice doesn’t sound so chipper. She sounds exhausted and stressed out.

“Hil, what’s wrong, sweetheart?” I ask, trying to hide the panic in my voice.

“He-he found me.” Her voice is barely a whisper, but I heard everything she just said. Out of anger, I punch the wall beside me. Luckily, I did no damage, but then I wouldn’t have cared if I had.

“What do you mean he found you? What the hell happened?” I’m raising my voice and not even meaning to. The last thing I want to do is scare her but when it comes to Travis, I will always fear for her safety. This is why I should have stayed with her last night. Her going back home so soon was a mistake. Guilt floods my body.

“He showed up at my house this morning, asking where I’ve been. My dad told him h-he needed to leave or he would call the cops. You should have seen the look he gave me. I was so scared.”

“But he left, right?”

“Yeah, he did. What am I going to do? He’s not going to leave me alone.” The fear in her voice breaks my heart. No woman should have to be scared of a man.

“Are you alone right now? Do I need to come by? I can. Just say the word.”

“No, my mom is here.”

“Stay with her today. If she goes somewhere, tag along with her. Don’t put yourself in a position where you are alone. If something happens, and I couldn’t make it to you in time, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”

“I didn’t want to tell you about this because I didn’t want you to worry, but I couldn’t keep this hidden from you.”

“No, I’m glad you told me. He’s going to pay for this.”

“Lance, just let him be. He’s not worth it,” she pleads. She’s right. I almost gave up my life because of the last encounter with Travis.

“You’re right.” I sigh. “It just pisses me off that he actually went to your house like that. I should have watched over you better.”

“It’s not your fault.”

We talk for a little longer before hanging up. I hurry to prepare myself for training at the gym. At least I know I’ll have no trouble sparring and working out today. I’ll take out all my frustrations, and I’ll imagine I’m kicking his ass.


“I was just getting ready to call you,” Howard yells across the gym. His voice echoes loudly, bouncing off the walls.

“I was on my way. I had an unexpected phone call that ran a little over.”

He looks skeptical, because he knows me well. I can’t get out of it, so I tell him what I’ve just learned about Hilary, and I already know he’s getting ready to threaten me.

“Before you say anything, I know better, Howard. I’m not putting myself in that position again. I’m not hunting him down or anything.”

When he starts laughing, I’m seriously hoping this is the end of this conversation. I don’t want to talk about it anymore because the more I talk and think about it, the madder I get.

“Where’s Garrett?” I ask. He’s usually here by now. The guy never runs late for anything.

“Raegan is sick this morning, so he stayed home with her. He’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Morning sickness? She was feisty last night. I stopped by for a minute and thought she was going to rip my head off.”

Howard chuckles and pats my shoulder. “Hilary will probably be the same way. Whitney was a mess during her pregnancy. There were some nights I wanted to pack a bag and come sleep here, but I love her so I put up with it. You just learn to shut your mouth.”

“Whitney was hell before the pregnancy, so I really feel for you.”

“That’s why we won’t be having more kids,” he says sternly. Then he adds, “No, I’m kidding. I’d put up with it if she wanted more, but Randi is just so damn perfect. You never know true love until you hold your baby for the first time.”

I know what he’s saying is true. I’ve heard people say that before. I’m sure I will see love when Hilary has the baby, but since the baby isn’t mine, I worry I won’t be able to experience what Howard is talking about.

“This baby may not be mine, but I’ll still love it the same, right?” I ask him, hoping he has answers.
