Page 56 of Hooked (TKO 2)

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She looks at me skeptically. “Are you sure you want to live with me?”

“I’m positive. Babe, I’ve been practically living with you for the past week. Just think, we’re going to raise the baby together, so why not have a place of our own? This may help the nightmares stop.”

She perks up a little, cautiously watching me. “Do you really think it may help?”

“I do.”

A genuine smile spreads across her face. It’s the first real one I’ve seen in a week and it lights my world up.

“There’s my beautiful girl’s smile. I’ve missed it.” I place a kiss on her lips.

“I’ve missed it too. I’m sorry, Lance. Thank you for being patient with me. I’m going to be better, I promise. I’m going to try harder.”

“Hil, take all the time you need. I’m here for the good and bad. I was so worried about you, but I knew you would be okay. You’re tough.”

“I’m still not one hundred percent, but I’m better than I was. What do you think our place will look like?”

A sense of euphoria drifts through me. Our place. “Whatever you want it to look like. I’ll leave that to you.”

“I’m excited. When can we start?”

“Whenever you want, sweetheart.”



One Year Later

With time, things improve. It’s hard to believe our lives took such drastic changes only a year ago. I became a victim in a game of terror I never bargained for, and literally had to fight for my life. But my knight in fighting shorts came to my rescue.

I’ve just finished cleaning our home, and our baby Laney is napping. It took some time for me to adjust to being alone in the house. I don’t have to worry about who or what may be lurking in the shadows anymore. My therapist has helped me tremendously. Mom helped me get the little bit of extra help I needed. It turns out moving out of the house wasn’t the only help I needed. Travis has affected me mentally, and my family was immensely worried about me. I’m waiting for Mom to come over and watch Laney so I can go to my appointment.

Lance has been so supportive in all of this, and I love him for it. Without him, I’d be completely lost. I was terrified to admit to him I was going to see a therapist, but when he told me he thought it was a great idea, I remembered exactly why I fell in love with him.

I’ve put him through so much, yet he helps me get through it all. The therapy has strengthened me personally as well as my relationship with Lance, and tonight is the night I’ll tell him that I’m pregnant again. This time, the baby is one hundred percent his.

My phone rings, and it’s my therapist. She’s calling to cancel because something came up. I thank her, then hurry to call Mom and tell her I don’t need her. A few minutes later, Lance comes home. He grins and struts right over to me. He picks me up by the hips and places me on the kitchen table.


bsp; “Hey, beautiful, I missed you. Do you need me to watch Laney since I’m home?”

“No, the therapist canceled. But you and I could talk.”

“By talk, what do you mean?” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I laugh.

“Well, that too, but I do have something serious to tell you.”

“Okay, spit it out.”

“Well, you know how I went to the doctor yesterday?” He nods, and I continue. “Lance, I’m pregnant again.”

“Are you sure?” His eyes widen.


He pulls me close as his lips crash against mine. He breaks the kiss and grins. “You seriously just made my day. I’m so happy.”
