Page 115 of Celeste (Gemini 1)

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"I don't deny it. I like nature," I said. "I've always been interested in plants and animals and especially insects, but I don't talk to birds."

"Insects. ugh!" Roberta said, twisting her lips. They looked thick and rubbery.

"Stop it. Roberta. There's nothing wrong with that," Harmony said. "Do you fish for your dinner?"

"Sometimes we eat what I catch, yes, but I don't fish that often anymore."

"I wonder why," Elliot said, laughing again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roberta asked him. "That's between Noble and me. right, Noble?"

"Whatever you say. Elliot. You're doing all the talking, obviously," I replied, and he laughed.

"Does your mother practice witchcraft and put spells on people she doesn't like?" Roberta finally came out and asked.

"No," I said. "But we do believe in spiritual things."

"What does that mean. exactly?" Harmony asked. They were all quiet, waiting in great


"It means that there is a spiritual enemy in the world and it's possible to feel it, to experience it," I said. "That's all."

"I've heard of that," Roberta said. nodding.

"If s not so strange. I know other people who believe that," Harmony said.

"Let's see if my stupid sister left with her boyfriend vet," Elliot decided, bored with the conversation. He turned the car sharply and headed for his house.

"I bet you miss your sister, don't you?" Harmony asked me. It was a terrible thing that happened. One of the most famous terrible things in this small town."

"Yes, it was," I said. "But I don't like talking about it," I added quickly.

"Of course you don't," she agreed in a soft, sympathetic voice.

"Don't be too nice to him. He'll get used to it, and then I'll have to be nice to him all the time," Elliot teased.

"If you're not nice to everyone. I might not be nice to you," she threatened. and Elliot laughed and howled.

You hear that. Noble, my buddy?Ill be so nice to you people will think I'm your slave."

Everyone laughed, I smiled and looked out the window as we turned into Elliot's driveway, He cheered,

"My sister is gone." he cried. "We've got the place to ourselves."

I wasn't sure why yet, but that sounded ominous to me and set my heart pounding again. I wondered if Mommy had discovered I was gone by now. I kept looking toward the woods, thinking about poor Cleo, remembering how he bounded through the brush and so enjoyed exploring.

"Don't look so worried," Elliot said, looking back at me through the rearview mirror and mistaking my expression of sadness for fear. "No one will give you a test on what we do."

The girls giggled.

"I might," Roberta teased. and Elliot laughed harder.

I sat back and contemplated getting out and running as soon as we stopped.

But I didn't. I got out with them and walked into Elliot's house.

"You've got a lot of catching up to do. Noble," Roberta told me. She put her arm through mine. "I wouldn't mind being your home teacher when it comes to that."
