Page 122 of Celeste (Gemini 1)

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pened my eyes slowly, and when I looked up. I saw Elliot standing there Gazing down at me, his mouth twisted, his eyes wide. I felt every muscle in my body freeze. His lips moved, but for a few moments nothing came out, no words, no sounds. He looked like he was having trouble swallowing. I was still, deathly still. Finally, he spoke.

"You're a girl?" he asked to confirm what his eyes were saying.

With lightning speed, the realization about all that could happen followed that clap of thunder that still resonated in my ears. Exposed and revealed. I would be the biggest disaster in Mommy's life. All of our spiritual family would be blown away in the wind of outrage that would follow. And they would never return. Mommy would collapse in defeat and disappointment. Our lives would be ruined forever and ever. I could not leave the property and attend any school or be seen in the community. Where would we go? What would happen to us? What had I done?

"Please," was all I could utter.

His twisted, wry smile of astonishment softened.

"You're a girl," he said now with full

realization. "Sure, that explains it all. I was convinced you were gay, and so were the girls."

His expression continued to change and turn until his eyes were full of impish laughter and delight.

"And you're not bad, either." he said.

The chains of ice that had tightened over me melted away. I turned to reach for my clothing, and he surprised me by stepping on it all.

"Not so fast." he said. "I'm not through. Why do you pretend to be a boy? What is this? What's your mother doing?"

"If s none of your business," I said, my eyes now clouding with tears.

"Oh, yes, it is," he said with some anger. "You made a fool of me. You made a fool of everyone. You're wacky as hell, both of you." He paused as a new thought came to him. "Who disappeared in your family anyway? Were there two girls or what? What's going on here?"

"I said it was not your business," I told him. "Get your feet off my things."

Instead of doing that. he lowered himself to his knees and continued to widen his smile.

"So what's your real name. Noble? Nobella or something like that?"

"No." I said, my arms now over my breasts and my legs crossed.

"How did you keep those boobs so well hidden?" He looked at the clothing and held up the modified corset. "With this? Doesn't that hurt?''

"Leave me alone." I begged.

He dropped it and wiped his hands on his pants as if it was contaminated.

Is all this some sort of magic thing your mother performed? Did she put a spell on you and turn you into a girl?"

I shook my head, the tears now climbing over my lids and falling forward to stream down my cheeks.

"Maybe I'm seeing things." he said. "A spell has been put on me, too. huh?" He laughed. "Only one way to find out," he added, and that surge of cold fear began at the base of my stomach and slid up and over my breasts like a thin layer of ice.

"Go away!" I cried.

He leaned forward to grab my shoulders and push me down. I struggled with him, but he was too strong and was able to pull my arms away from my breasts. He gazed down at them and then slowly brought his lips to my nipples. I tried kicking at him, but he was over my stomach. and I couldn't hit him hard enough. I couldn't prevent what was about to happen. He kissed and sucked, and then he lifted his head and smiled.

"Not bad for a boy." he said. I continued to resist.

"Stop it,'' he commanded. "Or I'll tell the whole world what I discovered. The police will probably come to your house. I bet," he added.

The realization that they might just do that shut down my resistance. My arms softened, and he pulled them straight and down to my sides.

"So why were you so interested in looking at my sister? Are you gay'?" he asked.

"No." I said.
