Page 51 of Celeste (Gemini 1)

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stop on his stomach.

When he hit the ground. I was sure I felt the

thump in my own body as well. Almost immediately,

he let out a wail of pain that sent birds loitering on

nearby trees shooting into the air. Mommy caught her

breath and then ran to him. He was crying hard. His

forehead was bleeding where he had scraped it rolling

over, but his leg was twisted in a strange angle.

Mommy fell quickly to her knees beside him and

gently turned him onto his back.

I couldn't move. My heart seemed to have

fallen into my stomach. It took me a few moments to

realize I was sobbing profusely. The thick tears were

already dripping off my chin. Noble was screaming in pain with such effort, his face was bright red and his screams rose to a shrillness that made them inaudible.

It was as if I was watching it all in a silent movie. Mommy carefully rolled up his pants. and I saw

the way his lower leg bone was pressing against his

skin, threatening to tear it open any moment. Without

hesitation, remaining remarkably cool. Mommy

pressed on the leg bone and put it back into place.

Noble was in such pain at that moment, his eyes went

back in his head and he passed out.

I thought he had died.

My own heart stopped.

"Is he dead. Mommy?" I somehow managed

when she rose to her feet.

She looked at me. and I saw there wasn't even a

tear in her eyes.

"Nay she said. "He's better off for the moment.

Don't let him move until I get back," she ordered,

"Come here!" she screamed at me when I hadn't
