Page 53 of Celeste (Gemini 1)

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hurried ahead and opened it.

I stood back and watched her carry him up the

stairs to our room. She told me to pull his blanket

back, and she set him softly onto his bed. After she

began to undress him, she sent me for a pair of

scissors and used them to cut his pants leg so that she

could slip his pants off. After that she put pillows

under his broken leg.

Im going to let an ice pack and something for

him to take so he can sleep for a while," she said.

"Stay with him and just keep him calm and still," she

told me.

Noble groaned. His face was streaked with

charcoal channels his tears had drawn over his cheeks

and down his chin. I took the washcloth and very

lightly wiped them away.

He kept his eyes on me. I thought he looked

half asleep already,. Before I spoke. I looked back at

the doorway to be sure Mommy hadn't returned. "You didn't really feel someone push you up in

the tree, did you. Noble?"

"Yes." he said.

Mommy returned with the ice pack. a glass of

water, and one of her herbal drinks. She gave it him

and made swallow it.

"I want you to sleep for a while. Noble." "It hurts." he complained.

"I know it hurts, and it will hurt for quite a

while. Celeste will stay with you and keep this ice

pack on your leg. She will get you what you need,"

she added.

She put my hand around the ice pack. "Keep it an as long as you can. When he
