Page 150 of Caveman (Wild Men 1)

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He lost his job and his fiancée left him.

He kind of lost his mind.

Turns out he’d been obsessed with his sister’s death all this time. The obsession turned worse, and he went to St. Louis to find Matt, only to find Matt was moving away. So he followed him here.

To the police he said he only wanted Matt to feel the despair he felt when his sister lost her baby and committed suicide.

But he refused to say what he’d planned to do with me.

A shiver passes over me, and Matt tugs me to his side, rubbing his hand over my arm. “Okay?”

I nod.

But it will take me a while to sleep through the night, I think. Knowing how Jeff Adams disguised himself as a policeman and lured me out of the house, the same guy who took the kids, the guy I almost dated…

I mean, the guy managed to walk around Matt’s neighborhood pretending to be a gardener, managed to disable the security cameras with a jammer, later opening them up and disabling them manually. That enabled him to walk into the house and write in Cole’s drawing book, then to take the kids.

He wandered the house quite a few times, apparently. Listened in to conversations. To Matt and me having sex. Yeah, no wonder I don’t feel safe anymore.

Not unless Matt holds me in his arms. And from the amount of time I’ve spent there, on his lap, by his side, since I woke up, I’d say he feels the same way.

“Please, don’t ever leave me.”

He may not have said he loves me, not in those exact words, but I know he does. He saved my life. And everything he does shows what his feelings to me are.

If I had any doubt that he truly cares for me, that he has a beautiful soul, it’s long gone.

After a whirlwind of a day with both our families sharing Matt’s house, cooking and laughing and playing with the kids, the house is again mostly quiet.

My family has left, Gigi passing me another condom and giggling, her face red whenever she glanced at Matt.

I pocketed it, because I have a feeling we’ll need it tonight. Matt’s gaze is on me, heated and soft, affectionate and full of arousal.

It makes my body hot all over.

Matt’s mom is sharing the kids’ room tonight, and they’re all already out, fast asleep. I know because I checked. Kaden, Matt’s brother, is downstairs, asleep on the sofa, the TV playing on mute.

Matt pulls me into his bedroom and shuts the door, then puts his arms around me and backs me up against the wall.

He likes doing that.

I like him doing that.

Smiling up at him, I wind me arms around his neck. “Hey.”

“Hey.” His dark eyes are serious. “How are you feeling? Not dizzy, no pain?”

He’s been so worried about the possible side effects the doctors mentioned. “I’m perfectly fine.”

His expression relaxes. “You’d tell me if anything was wrong, right?”

“I promise.” I rise on tiptoe to brush my mouth over his. “Just like you promised me a picnic, Mr. Hansen.”

His gaze heats up again until it’s blazing. He pushes me into the wall, pressing his very hard, very swollen cock into my stomach. “I also promised to eat your pussy and to fuck you on my bed until you scream my name.”

Oh God. I can only pant and tremble as his powerful body aligns with mine, all sharp edges, big bones and bulging muscles. “Yes,” I whisper.

And he’s kissing me, not gently and tenderly like he has been doing since the hospital, but with a hunger that matches mine. I moan when his tongue thrusts inside my mouth, when his teeth scrape my lips.
