Page 311 of Caveman (Wild Men 1)

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Peaceful. Warm through and through. I haven’t felt this way in a very long time. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt so good, and unavoidably, that has alarm bells ringing in my head.

Yeah, that’s me. Ruining this unique moment of feel-good to find out why I’m not feeling like crap as usual. Pure genius.

Then something shifts against my back—a warm body, I realize with a shock—and a small hand, a woman’s hand, slides over my hip and settles there. I stare at it, waiting for my brain to catch up and for the pieces to fall into place.

And they do, echoing in the void of my mind.

Ev. In my shower. In my bed.

Holy shit.

All I know is she makes me feel good. Wanted. Cherished. I’ve never felt that way before, or at least I can’t remember feeling that way. I can barely remember my mom. Never met my dad. The few foster families I was placed with over the years didn’t care much for me.

I have a better family now. Zane and Rafe care. They worry for me and look out for me. But this... Why do I feel like this with her? Like I could stay here, with her, to the end of time?

I put my hand over hers and tangle our fingers together. Her hand is small, and it fits perfectly in mine. She sighs, a warm puff of air on the back of my neck, and she slides ours entwined hands up over my ribs, settling on my chest.

“Hey,” I mutter. “Morning.”

“Hey...” Her voice is heavy with sleep, low and sexy.

In a flash I remember how she moaned my name in the shower as she came around my cock. I also remember she’s naked under my covers, and so am I. My dick finds this little fact very interesting, and it stiffens, rising up to hover against my stomach.

Then she gasps and sits up. “Morning? It’s morning? Crap, I need to go. I texted my parents last night, but I didn’t say where I was, and they’ll be frantic—”

I twist and wrestle her back down on the mattress, pressing her hands on either side of her. She squeals, and I grin widely, then lower myself over her, pressing my hard-on against her belly. She’s breathless now, her eyes wide, and she’s so cute I nuzzle her neck and lick her.

She yips, but then arches her neck to give me better access. I kiss and lick my way down the hollow between her collarbones and pull back just for one second to look at her breasts. Beautiful. Nipples taut, the color of butter candy. I lick them and nip at them, first the one, then the other, and they taste like candy, too. I flick my tongue over the hard bud again and again, until she moans and squirms, her hips lifting urgently underneath me.

My grin widens. I kiss a path down to her navel, and she shivers. I let go of her hands to stroke the silky skin of her thighs and move them further apart, so I can bury my face between them.

Another squeal, ending in a low moan when I lick along her seam, spreading her open.

“Micah...” Her fingers tangle in my hair, tugging lightly. “What are you doing?”

She shouldn’t be asking me this. Has nobody gone down on her before? Knowing I have to make it extra-special for her—it’s her first time and it’s Ev, my Ev—I focus on her every response as I find her clit and circle it with the tip of my tongue. It’s swollen, and her hips lift up when I start sucking on it. She lets out tiny gasps and moans that set my blood on fire.

I stroke her seam with my forefinger as I torture her with my tongue, and she’s so wet my cock twitches. I find her opening and push my finger inside. Hot. Tight. Oh, fuck.

Her back arches, and she lets out a keening noise. Fucking hell, how am I supposed to not come here and now when she does that? Lifting my head, I grit my teeth and slowly pull my finger out of her. I draw it between her breasts, leaving a wet trail.

“Please,” she whispers, her eyes thin slits of gold. A shudder goes through her and she shifts restlessly. “Please, Micah.”

“Say it,” I say, my voice hoarse with need. “What do you want?”

She bites her lip, and it’s driving me crazy. I stroke her clit, pressing down, and she makes a breathless sound that goes straight to my cock and pulls my balls tight.

“Say it, Ev.” I lean over her and lick one caramel nipple. “Say it.”

“I want you.” She’s as breathless as I am.


“Inside me.” Her voice is a sob. “Please.”

Christ. I fumble with the drawer of the bedside table and fish inside for my box of condoms. I rip the package with my teeth and pull the damn thing on, jaw clenched and counting in my head to stop myself from coming.

I’m right there, on the edge. Just the knowledge it’s Ev lying beneath me, asking me to pleasure her, is enough to make me lose control.
