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I clap a hand over my mouth and brace the other on the door, fear and shock making my knees weak.

What in the world?

My next thought is, Mom can’t see this. Nobody can.


My hand shaking, I grab the knife handle and pull with all my strength, dislodging it from the wood and freeing the piece of paper from the blade.

Who could have done this? And more importantly, why?

Who knows I’ve slept with Matt? And who would take offense?

My mind instantly goes to Adam, but… crap, no. He seems like a nice guy, with troubles of his own.

And not to forget… this message is exactly the sort Matt has been receiving—stuck with a knife to the door. Asking questions that this guy, whoever the hell he is, obviously already knows the answers to.

Could it be Ross, like Matt is so convinced it is?

My knees feel weak. Okay, scratch that, it feels more as if someone cut my legs off. I sink down on the porch steps, the knife and piece of paper in my lap, stunned, trying to think what next. What should I do? What does one do in such a case?

Matt called the cops, but then everyone would know I slept with him. I’m not a prude, but it is a small town, not to mention the fact that I’d die if my mom found out about my first time this way, and besides…

Besides I still don’t know what this between Matt and me is.

Nothing, probably. He did just tell me, tonight, before he fucked me, that he isn’t ready for anything more. And I accepted it. I told him I did.

I have to accept it. I have no choice. And now…

Matt. No matter what, that’s who I need to call. He’ll know what to do.

Of that at least I’m certain. It may be the only thing I’m certain of these days.

“What the fuck?” Matt mutters into the phone. “What the fuck—I can’t believe this shit is happening.”

“I know,” I say weakly.

“You should go to the cops. You’re an adult, Tay. Your family doesn’t need to know about this, if you don’t want them to. I’ll go with you.”

I nod, although he can’t see me, relief washing through me. “Tomorrow?”

His voice gentles. “Yeah, tomorrow morning. Are you inside the house now?”

“No, I’m on the porch.”

“Get inside,” he all but barks in the phone, all gentleness gone. “And lock the doors and windows.”

“Matt…” My heart starts pounding again.

“Just do it, girl. I’ll sleep better knowing you’re in your bed with doors and windows sealed. Go on, get inside and lock. I’ll stay on the line until I know you’re safely inside.”

“Okay.” My voice is small, but strength is returning to my limbs with his deep voice in my ear, knowing he’ll drop everything and come find me if anything happens. “I’m going in.”

Glancing over my shoulder with every step I take, I hurry inside the house and close the door, locking it. Then I head back to the kitchen, double check that the backdoor is locked, and then check all the windows, before breathing a sigh of relief.

“All done,” I tell Matt.

“You checked the doors and the windows, latched everything up? Deadbolts in place?”
