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As for myself, I sit on Octavia’s other side, beside her brother Merc, and clap him on the shoulder. “What’s up, buddy?”

He grins at me, his clear blue eyes half-closing. “Hungry. Is the food any good here?”

“It’s edible,” I inform him. I know he’s seen the prices. “You’ll survive.”

Even if he eats like a truck driver. Maybe we should stop by a McDonald’s afterward, grab him a couple of burgers, just in case.

“Ah-huh. I’ll take your word for that.” He’s wearing a black T-shirt over black jeans, and it only makes his pale skin and blond hair stand out more.

I’ve watched Mercury—Merc for friends and family—turn into a man over these past few years here in St. Louis. He’s been working part-time with us at the Mancave and taking some college classes. Says he isn’t sure yet what he wants to do.

“Hey, Matt!” Gigi lifts a brow at me, looking up from her menu, cheeks flushed, her long blond hair twisted up in a messy bun. “You should have told us this was a classy place. I’m so underdressed.”

I meet her blue-gray eyes and lift my brows. “You’re fine.”

Very fine, in fact. Where Merc turned into a quiet, strong young man, Gigi—Augusta on paper—has transformed from a pretty girl into a bombshell.

It worries me a little. I’m too young to be her dad, but I’ve always felt the urge to protect Octavia’s siblings as if they were my own kids.

Just to be clear: Octavia is the prettiest woman in the world. Gigi doesn’t hold a candle to her, but I can see the appeal for the young men buzzing around her like bees on a drop of honey. Girl has curves, and long legs, and a sweet face. A nice little package all around.

“Hey, guys.” Hailey sits down across from me, tucking chestnut hair behind her ears, flashing us a happy smile. “Nice place.”

Kaden nods at us and takes his seat beside his wife. What did he want to talk to me about? I pin him with my gaze, but he pretends not to notice, turning to talk to Octavia’s mom, all charming and shit.

And Octavia distracts me, turning to me and taking my hand. “All right?”

“Yeah.” I squeeze her small hand in mine. “You?” I avoid looking at her mom, avoid thinking about the whispered conversations. “Anything I should know about?”

“No. We were just…” A flush rises to her cheeks, and leaning in, I kiss her soft mouth. How can I not, when she’s so damn pretty?

“Just what?”

“Just talking. About the past.”

That catches me off guard. “About when she was pregnant with you, or…?”

“Oh no. Not that. About Jasper, and Ross, and…” She bites her lower lip, looking down at our clasped hands. “And relationships.”

“About your father? And that bully Ross?”

“My half-brother.”

“Who bullied you as a kid. And Jasper was shit as a father, and never told you even though he knew all along.” I take her chin in my hand, tip her face up. “So why?”

Her expressive eyes fill up. “Nobody deserves to be tortured forever, Matt.”

I frown. “What…?”

What brought this on? Why should she care? Is she talking about Jasper or Ross? Why is she concerned?

But I have to leave my questions for later, because the waitress arrives to take our order, and with all the laughter and everyone talking over each other and teasing, I forget all about this little exchange for a while.

We open a bottle of champagne and toast to Octavia’s future, and then exchange her glass for orange juice, and drink. The food arrives soon after, loads of pasta and steaks, and everyone falls silent as they dig in. I take the moment to look at them all, gathered here. I wish my mom was with us, but she’s happy babysitting. I wish my dad were here, too, but I hope he’s watching us from above, glad for us.

Look how far we’ve come. We all suffered through so many losses, and illnesses, and accidents, and made it here. One happy family.

Dessert and coffee follow, and I glance at Octavia who’s laughing at something Merc is saying, grinning at her, when Kaden catches my eye. He gets up and motions for me to follow him.
