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The thought of him gone is a thorn in my mind. I did love him. I do miss him. He was a good father. I wish he were here, to play with his grandchildren, teach them what he taught me.

I hope I can give my kids what he gave me, this sense of a place in the world, of things to learn and do and explore.

Setting down my tool bag, I’m about to root inside for what I need and get to work, when Kaden comes striding toward me.


I grab him in a bearhug as he reaches me, slap his back. “Kade. How’re things around here?”

“Never been better. Funny how everything runs like clockwork when you’re not around, that’s—” He groans when I slap his back harder. “I think you broke my ribs.”

“Serves you right.”

He pulls back, grinning. “Was everything okay down in Destiny? Is your buddy Evan okay?”

“He will be. About that… Know how you complained again that we’re not hiring anyone to help out here?”

Kaden nods. “Evan? He’s looking for a job?”

“Yeah, and a new start. He’s experienced, and a good guy. What do you say?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “What, my opinion matters now?”

“Yeah, it does.” I huff, annoyed at myself for letting him think otherwise. “Always has, Kade. I swear.”

He nods, shoves his hands into the pockets of his overalls and rocks back on his heels. “If you think Evan is good for this job, then let’s hire him.”

Awesome. My chest lightens more. I can’t fucking wait to call Evan and tell him the news.

“And Hailey and the kids?” I slap Kaden on the back again, and he coughs.

“Christ, you trying to kill me?”

“You’re going soft on me, Kade.”

He snorts. “Fuck you, brother. Better be nice to me. I got news.”

“What news?”

“Zane is in town. I was just talking to him.”

“That son of a bitch. Why didn’t he tell me?”

“He called the shop first. I told him you’d be back today. Well, I knew you were arriving yesterday, but I wanted to give you time with your kids.”

He gives me a long, unsure look.

“Thanks. You’re right, I needed that time with the kids. And Zane? Is everything okay with him?”

“Yeah, yeah he’s fine. Said he’s just passing through.”

“Through to where?”

“To here!” a familiar voice calls, and Zane walks in, all badass Mohawk and tattoos, grinning from ear to ear. He grabs me, thumps his fist in my back, and it’s my turn to gasp in pain. “Gotcha. I came to see you, you grumpy old bastard. How’ve you been?”

“Good.” I pull back before he thumps me again. “What are you doing here? Dakota and the kid with you?”

“Nah. Left them at home.” He shrugs. “Morning sickness is a bitch.”
