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Clara nodded. ‘Yes, completely. There was someone else at the charity’s offices who’s currently being interviewed by the police.’

‘Who?’ Gabriel felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He couldn’t think of anyone that he didn’t trust.

‘Philip Atkinson.’

His mother and father looked at Gabriel questioningly and he shrugged. ‘Philip’s our work experience student. He’s only seventeen, I interviewed him myself when he took him on. Are you sure about this, Clara?’

‘We’re sure. And actually he’s twenty-four. But I’ve seen the photographs, and I agree with you that he looks seventeen. He stole Heidi’s diary out of her bag, after seeing her look up her new network password. She’d written it down because we gave everyone secure passwords and no one could remember them.’

‘How did you find out?’

‘We did a preliminary check on all of the staff’s CVs. Philip’s date of birth was flagged up immediately as being wrong, so we investigated a little further. He was confronted with the evidence against him, and he gave up the person responsible. It turns out that the whole campaign was masterminded by a rather ambitious junior executive working for the company that we traced the computer hack back to. It appears that he was acting alone, in the belief that securing the manufacturing rights for your new drug would fast-track him straight onto the board of directors of his own company. They’re furious with him and have washed their hands of the whole business.’

‘I doubt they’d be complaining too much if the manufacturing rights had just fallen into their laps.’ Gabriel turned the corners of his mouth down.

‘No, I doubt that too. But it’s pretty clear they didn’t know anything about the attacks, and they’ve been very anxious to help in determining if any of their other staff were involved.’

‘Why Gabriel?’ His mother spoke suddenly and Gabriel could see tears forming in her eyes. ‘Why target my son?’

Clara took a moment to think, understanding how important this was to his mother. ‘Because you love him enough to ask that question. Your care kept him safe, too.’

Alessia nodded, dabbing her eyes.

‘Thank you, Clara. You’re a marvel.’ Gabriel’s father spoke. It was good to see both his parents reassured and smiling, and Gabriel offered his own silent thanks to Clara.

‘You’re very kind, but it wasn’t actually my doing. You have our investigative team to thank for this. They’ve worked very hard.’

‘So...what now?’ Gabriel felt a lump forming in his throat. This was nothing but good news, apart from the fact that Clara’s help would clearly no longer be needed.

‘We still proceed with caution. But the police have found paperwork on all the attacks, along with some that were planned for the future, and are confident that they have everyone that was involved. This is definitely the end of this campaign.’

‘And you? Will you be going back to London?’ Suddenly Gabriel’s gaze met hers. For a moment he saw all of the warmth that he’d only ever seen before when they were alone. Then she looked down at the tabletop.

‘Mr Sullivan says that if the family agrees, the protection teams here and in London can now be safely withdrawn. So I’ll be leaving in the morning...’

He thought he heard Clara stumble a little over the words. But she wouldn’t look at him and he couldn’t gauge what she was thinking.

‘No...’ The only thing he knew was that he couldn’t let Clara go now.

‘I think what Gabriel means...’ his mother came to his rescue ‘ that we are poor hosts at the moment. But if you would like some time to relax and enjoy the beach, we would be very pleased to have you here with us. Maybe you could fly back to London with Gabriel on Friday, rather than rushing back tomorrow??


His mother had voiced the words in his heart. Tomorrow was the anniversary of Pietro’s death and Clara would inevitably be left to her own devices. But all the same, he wanted her to stay. Maybe they’d have a chance to talk a little, free of the iron restrictions that professionalism had put onto their relationship.

‘That’s a fine idea, Alessia.’ His father seemed to approve too. ‘A few days’ relaxation, without having to keep up with Gabriel’s antics.’

Gabriel swallowed down the impulse to tell his father that he hardly thought his actions fell under the category of antics. Petty disagreements didn’t matter now, all that mattered was that the burden had been lifted from his parents. And that he wanted very much for Clara to stay.

‘My mother’s right. Spend a few days winding down and come back to London with me.’ It was a simple enough proposal, but he was suddenly as nervous as a teenager.

‘If that’s all right with everyone?’ She hesitated, looking at him questioningly, and Gabriel resisted the urge to ask her whether she’d been listening. Instead he gave her a nod.

‘Then I’d love to stay, thank you. I don’t have to be back at work until next Monday so flying back on Friday would be ideal.’

‘Then that’s settled.’ Gabriel’s mother gave the broad smile that he should have offered and stood, walking over to the range. ‘Tonight I think I will cook something special.’

* * *
