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‘Looks as if it’s all sorted, then.’ Euan was leaning back in his chair, chuckling. Sam turned to David, who nodded, clearly enormously pleased with himself.

‘I...suppose I don’t have much choice, then.’

Euan nodded. ‘Looks like it. And, of course, if we’re using the same database as they are, I imagine it would be so much easier to share information.’ He gave her an innocent look, and the three of them burst into spontaneous laughter.

The afternoon was as relaxed and easygoing as the morning had been. Euan and David disappeared for a belated Monday morning meeting, and Sam tackled their website. At five on the dot David shooed them both downstairs and into his car, and the evening was spent at his house. Then back to the tiny flat above the charity’s offices, dropping Euan at home on the way.

It was still early, but Sam had hit a brick wall of exhaustion. All she wanted to do was sleep, and at first she hardly noticed the bright package propped up on the stairs, tied with raffia and bearing a label from one of the shops on the trendier side of town. There was no note, but she knew who it was from. Japanese paper, brightly coloured and beautifully patterned. The kind you used for origami flowers.


EUAN WAS CONTENT to sit and watch her. In fact, there was nothing else in this world that he’d rather do.

They’d driven up to London early that morning, Sam insisting that she take the wheel of his car and Euan giving in gracefully, even though he was feeling much better. Her flat was comfortable, unprepossessing and, considering the amount of cash that the sale of her company must have netted, understated. Sam had disappeared for half an hour to get ready for her interview, leaving him with coffee and the paper.

Considering the transformation that she’d wrought, half an hour was miraculously fast. Her hair was in a shining knot at the back of her head. Her make-up perfect. Designer suit, this time in a shade of blue that made her eyes look like mother-of-pearl.

‘You look great.’ He decided to go for understatement.

‘Thank you.’ Even the smile was different. Cool, professional, but with a flash of the woman that he now knew beneath it. The effect was intoxicating.

He watched as she carefully slid her laptop into her leather bag. Everything in order. Pausing to check she hadn’t forgotten anything. Euan had seen the results of this careful preparation, and he didn’t need to wonder whether she’d wrap today’s interview up with the same efficiency as the one at Driftwood.

‘I’m a bit nervous.’

You wouldn’t have thought it to look at her, but there was a slight tremor in her voice. ‘This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?’

She nodded. ‘Yeah.’

‘And it’s tough going in there on your own.’ Euan hadn’t realised how alone she must have felt at their interview. She’d seemed so assured, so in charge.

She pressed her lips together. ‘Does it show?’

‘No. You impressed the life out of David and me when you interviewed with us. These guys...’ he snapped his fingers. ‘No problem.’

‘My secret’s safe with you, then?’

Safe, and treasured. ‘Yeah. Always.’

‘Just until this afternoon will be fine.’ She looked around, as if checking that she had everything, and hesitated. Euan wondered if there was a final pre-interview ritual that she’d rather do alone.

‘I’ll wait for you in the car, shall I?’

She shook her head slowly. ‘No need. I already have my good luck charm.’ She reached inside the neck of her silky blouse, pulling out a little gold locket. ‘Sally’s parents bought us one each when we started out together. We used to wear them for luck at interviews.’

‘Well, you look great. And you’ve got a great product. You’ve everything to be confident about.’

‘Yeah, you can’t feel bad in silk knickers.’ She bit her lip. ‘Sorry. Something Sally and I used to say to each other.’

‘It’s a good thought.’ It was a great thought. One that he couldn’t stop framing in his head into a beautiful, sensual image. One that was going to shatter all their plans for the day if he didn’t move. Now. He looked at his watch, blind to the time, and still gripped by the idea that Sam would feel just great in silk knickers. ‘I guess we’d better be on our way.’

He picked up the car keys, handing them to her without daring to even look at her face.

* * *

She was shining. Sitting behind the steering-wheel of his car, happiness radiating from her, as Euan emerged from The Centre’s day clinic. He hurried across the pavement and slid into the passenger seat.

‘Sorry to keep you waiting.’
