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‘That doesn’t look too bad to me. If we put a little bit of ice on it and a bandage it’ll be better in no time.’ Leo was deliberately looking on the bright side and assuming that there was no fracture, but it was the right thing to say. Andrew brightened visibly.

‘We’re in the way here, though.’ Leo glanced up at the minibus, where Belinda Chalmers and two other teachers were keeping the children inside quiet and in their seats. ‘Would you like to sit in my car?’

Andrew’s gaze followed Leo’s pointing finger. Whether by chance or design, Leo had picked the right thing. Andrew loved cars and his face lit up when he saw Leo’s.

‘I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of that parking spot. You want to come and give the hands-free parking a shot with me?’

Andrew nodded, and Leo bent forward slowly. The boy let him pick him up and carry him over to the passenger door of the car.

Alex followed him, brushing the dirt off his parka, and she reached into the pocket and found his car keys, unlocking the doors. Leo got in carefully, with Andrew still in his arms, sliding over into the driver’s seat before depositing Andrew back in the front passenger seat.

‘All right. We’ll just buckle you up.’ He pulled the seat belt across the boy, taking the opportunity to surreptitiously check on his ankle in the process. Then he closed the car door.

‘Smooth operator.’ Belinda Chalmers had got out of the minibus and stood next to Alex, watching as the car slid slowly out of its parking space, Andrew staring open-mouthed as Leo rather ostentatiously took his hands off the steering wheel.

Alex had been trying not to think about just how smooth. The charm that had convinced Andrew to accept his help was exactly the same as the charm which got him up to goodness knew what after dark.

‘Has someone telephoned Andrew’s mother? It looks like a sprain, but there’s the possibility it may be a fracture.’

‘She’s on her way. I’ll get the other children inside if you want to stay here.’

‘Yes. Thanks.’ Now that the side door of the minibus could be slid open, Alex would rather get the children into the gym and start the training session. Leo didn’t appear to need her any more.

But there were three sports teachers, all qualified to supervise that, and Andrew was hurt and her responsibility until his mother got here. Her issues with Leo were completely incidental right now. Alex opened the door of Leo’s car and slid into the back seat.

‘How are you doing, Andrew?’

‘Fine.’ The boy was engrossed with the dashboard, and it was Leo who turned and grinned at her.

‘What about letting Alex take a look at your ankle now, eh, Andrew? Must be hurting a bit.’ Leo caught Andrew’s hand, guiding it away from the control for the fog lamps just before he managed to switch them on.

‘You can, if you want.’ Andrew innocently chose Leo over Alex. Why not? Everyone else seemed to fall for his charm.

‘Okay then. Thanks.’ Leo leaned over, inspecting the ankle carefully, watching Andrew’s face for any signs of pain as he gently rotated it. ‘Well, that doesn’t look too bad. Few days’ rest and you’ll be right as rain. I’ve got something to put on it to make it a bit more comfortable, though. Just until your mum gets here to take you home.’

Leo was saying all the right things. Reassuring Andrew that he wasn’t badly hurt and that he’d be going home. The boy nodded and Leo got out of the car, bumping around in the boot.

‘Want to see how this works?’ He’d had the sense to just bring what he needed, not letting Andrew see his medical bag. Andrew nodded, and Leo bent his own hand, putting it inside the inflatable ankle splint.

By the time Andrew’s mother hurried towards them, accompanied by Belinda Chalmers, Leo had coaxed Andrew into allowing him to put the splint around his ankle. He got out of the car, motioning for Andrew’s mother to take his place in the driver’s seat.

‘Andrew... Are you all right?’

‘Yes. Are we going home, Mum?’

‘Let me speak to the doctor first...’ Marion looked uncertainly up at Leo. She must have been told that Andrew was with a doctor, and was clearly surprised at how relaxed her son was with him.

‘No! We’re going home!’ Andrew’s face reddened.

Marion’s face contorted into an expression of helplessness. ‘Andrew...wait just a minute...please, love...’

‘Hey, there.’ Leo stepped in again. Always there, always charming everyone into doing exactly what he wanted them to. Alex was beginning to tire of watching it. ‘Give me a minute to talk to your mum, eh? It’s okay, we’re not going to do anything you don’t want to.’

He waited for Andrew’s nod and then turned to Marion. ‘It looks like it’s just a sprain. But I’d like to get it X-rayed, just in case.’

Marion’s face took on a pinched look. Clearly she wasn’t looking forward to waiting with Andrew at the hospital, but she knew that it would have to be done. ‘Yes. Thank you.’

‘My surgery has a walk-in centre next door, and we make use of it for our patients. We can take him there, get him seen straight away and then I’ll bring you back here.’
