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‘I’m thinking that I’d be proud to run with them. And I respect them enough to give it my best shot. Are you running?’

‘Yes. Think you can beat me?’

‘I’ll try...’ His phone beeped and he pulled it out of his pocket. ‘Ah. She’s just arriving. I took the liberty of asking someone along, I hope you don’t mind.’

‘Of course not. But they’re a bit early—it doesn’t start for another hour.’ Alex followed Leo’s gaze to where a black SUV was manoeuvring into a parking space. ‘Who is it—someone from the radio station?’

‘’ He was looking suddenly awkward. ‘I... Evie’s sister’s over from the States for a couple of weeks, and I asked them to come.’

‘You did what? Evangeline Perry!’ Alex looked over to the SUV, where a tall, slim woman was getting out of the passenger seat. Her hair was wound beneath a baseball cap and the peak obscured most of her face. ‘You asked a film star to my race meeting? Leo, you might have mentioned it.’

‘Why, so you could run around panicking? That’s exactly why I didn’t say anything about it. They’re here because they’re interested in what you’re doing, and they’ll keep a low profile.’

‘Keep a low profile! Leo, didn’t it occur to you that people might recognise her?’

‘Of course it did. You said it would be good for the kids to have someone showing a bit of interest. And Evie’s not high maintenance. Her minder will look after her.’

‘Minder! For goodness’ sake, Leo, if you’re trying to disrupt things...’ He’d lulled her into a false sense of security with his careful way of including her in every decision. ‘I told you that you couldn’t just swan in and take over. The kids are always the most important ones.’

‘That’s why Evie’s here. Because the kids are important and she wants to show them some support. Give her the benefit of the doubt, will you...’

‘I’m more than happy to give her the benefit of the doubt. You, I’m not so sure about.’

‘Don’t worry about sparing my feelings, will you.’ He was grinning broadly, laughing as he turned to wave to the two women who were walking across the car park, followed by a man who sauntered behind them.

‘Leo...’ The woman in the baseball cap greeted him with a smile and they exchanged kisses. ‘We made it.’

She turned to Alex, holding out her hand. ‘Hi, I’m Evie Perry. You must be Alex.’

Close up, she was beautiful. Creamy skin, huge green eyes, with strands of Evangeline Perry’s trademark red hair escaping her cap. Her jeans and warm jacket were casual but didn’t look as if they came from the high street, and couldn’t conceal her tall, willowy figure. If Evangeline Perry thought she needed to introduce herself then she was mistaken.

It was impossible not to feel somehow dowdy and lacking next to her, and that wouldn’t have mattered so much if Leo hadn’t been there. Alex took Evie’s hand, trying not to tremble.

‘Thank you so much for coming. I’m... I wish I’d known you’d be here—I could have...done something.’

Evie laughed. ‘From what Leo said the other night, you’re already doing a great deal. He couldn’t stop talking about you.’ She smiled at Leo and he winced, as if he’d been caught out doing something he shouldn’t.

The thought that, in the presence of such a woman, Leo would have one thought in his head for her was... Well, it was something to think about. But Evie gave her no opportunity.

‘This is my sister, Arielle. She’s very interested in what you’ve achieved here and, as we’re looking to set up a scheme something like this in the States, we’re here to learn from you.’

‘I... I’m sure there’s not a lot I could teach you... But I’d love it if you’d come and meet some of the kids...’

‘That’s what we’re here for.’ Arielle’s smile was just as warm as her sister’s and Alex grinned back stupidly, not sure of what to say.

‘Right, ladies.’ Leo had picked up her sports bag along with his own and started to make for the entrance of the sports centre. ‘No point in standing around here...’

For once, Leo’s no-nonsense way of making things happen was a boon. Someone had recognised Evie on their way into the auditorium and word had gone round the small group of competitors and helpers who were already there, like a whispered shock wave. He gently made a path for Evie and Arielle down to the running track, and then pushed Alex forward to introduce them to the group that was beginning to crowd round.

She saw Hayley at the back of the group, her eyes shining. Alex leaned over, pulling her a little closer.

‘This is Hayley—she’s our best runner.’

‘Not as good as you...’ Hayley clasped Arielle’s hand and didn’t let go. Clearly she knew exactly who Arielle was.

‘What dista

nces do you run?’ Arielle gave her a dazzling smile.
