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‘I don’t mind sharing, darling. Leo’s never struck me as the type for that kind of thing, though.’

Alex pressed her lips together, staring at her reflection in the mirror, willing it to be impassive. Going across to the women and reminding them that Leo was a person and not just a pretty face probably wouldn’t be all that tactful. She was meant to be putting on her lipstick, not listening to their conversation.

‘Did you hear his show on Monday? I was playing it in the car on the way down here. Marvellous chemistry. Apparently he’s brought her along tonight.’


‘Yes—’ Blue dress broke off, but Alex could see her reflection in the mirror, mouthing to her companion. She’s only got one leg. Fancy bringing her to a dance.

‘Poor thing.’ Black dress shuddered ostentatiously. ‘Are you still thinking of making Leo an offer?’

‘I tried. Not interested. I offered him twice whatever he’s getting at the radio station and he turned me down flat. Said that he wanted to concentrate on serious medical issues, whatever that means, and that he was happy working with Justin. Justin, for goodness’ sake...’

‘Shame. With his ratings, he could do anything.’

‘Yes, and, between you and me, I need something. We’re already having to fight for our advertising revenue...’

Alex glared at the women’s reflections but they didn’t notice. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard any of the barbs they’d thrown at her and it wouldn’t be the last, but they still rankled. How dare these women call her a poor thing? How dare they think that having had part of her leg amputated was so shameful they couldn’t even say it? And how dare they assume that she couldn’t dance with Leo if she wanted to?

They weren’t worth her time, or her anger. She repeated the words over in her head a couple of times, looking at

herself in the mirror. Then she put her lipstick back into her bag and made for the door, even returning the smile that blue dress aimed in her direction as she walked past them.

She turned the corner which led to the door and heard one of the women speak again. ‘Don’t you just love that dress? I wonder where she got it.’

‘And did you see her shoes? So pretty.’

‘I must get a pair like that. She looks so graceful, and I can hardly walk in these heels...they’re killing me...’

* * *

Leo turned when she put her hand on his arm, smiling down at her. Alex reached out, running her fingers down the side of his lapel, not caring how unmistakably possessive the gesture was.

‘Do you still want to dance?’

He grinned. ‘I’d love to dance.’

He took her hand, leading her towards the dance floor. She felt suddenly both too warm and too cold, her fingers almost icy in his hand, her cheeks hot. Alex wondered how many other people here were looking at her, thinking exactly the same as the women in the ladies’ room.

When he laid his hand on her back she smiled up at him, but her whole body felt stiff and tense. Leo took a couple of steps and she moved with him, like an automaton.

‘What’s the matter?’ The tenderness in his gaze seemed to bore into her.


‘Really?’ He was guiding her over to the very edge of the dance floor. He was going to stop and go and sit down. And then everyone would be looking at her, thinking she couldn’t dance.

‘No, Leo. I want to stay here...’ She heard the pleading tone in her voice.

‘Okay. But what’s up?’

‘I... It’s nothing. People just say things without thinking.’ Leo wouldn’t understand this. He was a doctor and he took it so much for granted that she was more than her disability that he probably didn’t even imagine that people could be that cruel.

‘Okay, so it’s nothing. Care to share it, all the same? In the interests of research.’


‘Yeah. Crass things that people say. I’m always interested in that kind of thing.’

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