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That would actually be nice. Nell’s jaw was beginning to ache a little. She followed Hugo as he slipped through the open French doors and out onto the stone-flagged terrace. A number of people seemed to have had the same idea, and Hugo led her out of the circle of light cast by lanterns that were positioned around the terrace, down the steps and into the garden.

‘You’re sure we won’t be missed?’

He chuckled. ‘This is Montarino, not England. Protocol practically demands that a newly engaged couple disappear for at least ten minutes during the course of the evening.’ Hugo walked slowly along the paved path, which was flanked by a sculpted hedge.

‘Ten minutes. Not much time, then?’ She grinned up at him.

‘Something else you need to learn about Montarino. We know how to make very good use of just ten minutes.’

Suddenly ten minutes seemed like ten hours. Out here in the warm evening breeze, the lights and noise of the house were beginning to recede behind them. Nell shivered at the thought.


‘No, it’s nice to be out here. It was beginning to get very hot inside.’

Their leisurely pace grew more leisurely, until they were standing together. She had to touch him. Nell ran her fingers down the lapel of his jacket and felt Hugo’s hand resting lightly on her waist.

‘So...while everyone thinks we’ve escaped to do what every engaged couple does...’ Hugo chuckled.

‘We could read the paper?’

‘We could. Or play a game of cards.’

‘Not enough time.’ Nell reached up to touch his face. There was only one thing she really wanted to do right now. And since tonight was all about their public personas, an engaged couple who were naturally very much in love, maybe that one thing was permissible.

‘No. You’re right.’ His gaze never left her face as he raised her hand to his mouth, kissing her fingers.

They could have stopped there. But Nell didn’t want to, and she knew that Hugo didn’t either. Ten minutes.

His lips were almost touching hers. This wouldn’t be the formal kiss, planted on her cheek or hand, to delight the people around them. This was just for her.

Hugo’s arm tightened suddenly around her waist and she felt his body tighten against hers. ‘Who’s there?’

There was a rustle in the bushes behind her. Hugo pulled her away, facing the hurried whispers coming from the darkness. And then a shape detached itself from the deepest of the shadows, followed by another.

‘Who’s there?’ Hugo asked again, his tone demanding an answer.

‘The necklace...’ A low voice, full of menace, spoke in French and Hugo pushed Nell behind him. Not a good idea, even if he had been in full health. Nell kicked off her shoes, ready to run, clinging to Hugo’s arm.

‘All right.’ He held one hand out in a gesture that was clearly intended to calm the situation.

‘Quickly!’ The man spoke again, taking another step forward. He was holding something in his hand, and Nell wondered whether he was armed.

This must have been so easy. Any one of the women here was wearing jewellery that would fetch a high price. The men had only to get through high railings at the perimeter of the palace, conceal themselves in the garden and then wait.

‘Nell. Give me the necklace.’

‘What?’ Queen Margaux’s diamond necklace. She’d promised herself to take good care of it. But if giving it up was

unthinkable, the alternative was even worse.

She fumbled with the catch at the back of her neck, but it was too firmly secured for her trembling fingers. And she’d hesitated for a moment too long. The man lunged towards her as if to tear the necklace from her throat, and she felt Hugo’s body pushing her back and taking the brunt of the impact.

‘No... Hugo!’ He was stumbling to one side and Nell cried out in terror. ‘I’ll give it to you.’ She pulled frantically at the necklace, trying to get it off.

But it was too late for that. She felt a gloved hand close around her wrist, trying to get at her bracelet, and then she was free again as Hugo let out a great roar, tackling her assailant. The man lashed out at Hugo, and she saw a spark. In the silence, broken only by the sound of the wind in the trees, the clicking sound seemed to last for a very long time, even if it was just a few seconds. Then Hugo screamed in pain, dropping to the ground like a stone.

‘Hugo!’ There was no possibility of just giving the men what they wanted and letting them go now. Nell yelled for help at the top of her voice, hoping that if the assembled company in the palace didn’t hear her, there would be a security patrol in the grounds that did.
