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‘I booked it from the lamppost. There wasn’t a great deal of choice.’

Nell chuckled. ‘Okay, so we can drive across town and have room service, or it’s ten minutes to mine. Fifteen if we stop for pizza on the way.’

‘Pizza sounds great.’

* * *

Crown Prince Hugo Phillipe DeLeon, only son of the King of Montarino, had to carry the pizza up three flights of stairs because the lift was broken. He looked around her flat, which didn’t take long, because there were only two rooms and a bathroom, and pronounced it delightful. He kept his coat on while the heating took the edge off the chill in the sitting room.

They ate pizza and drank coffee, and her small flat became the centre of the world. The one place where they could both be happy, because it was the place they were together. Curled up on the sofa together, talking about plans and dreams, futures and possibilities.

‘That’s what we’ll do, then?’ The sun was rising but Nell didn’t feel tired any more.

‘You’re sure that’s what you want?’ Hugo leaned over, kissing her.

‘I’m sure. You’re sure you really can take a holiday for the next month? So that I won’t let the clinic here down?’

‘Positive. I’ll be waiting here for you every evening with a smile on my face and a tasty meal in the oven.’

Nell snorted with laughter. ‘You will not. If you’re staying here, you can earn your keep. I’m sure the clinic will take you on, they could do with more doctors. And being a prince has its advantages.’

‘They don’t have to pay me?’

‘Yeah, they don’t really have the funds for that. You’ll spread a little happiness, though.’

‘That sounds great. Can’t wait to start.’ Hugo got to his feet, stretching his limbs, and walked over to the window, looking out at the glow on the horizon. ‘Come with me.’

‘Where are we going?’

‘See that little park down there? It looks a nice place for an early morning stroll. We can watch the sunrise.’

They pulled on their coats, tiptoeing down the stairs so as not to wake any of the neighbours. Across the street and through the park gates, into a cold, fresh morning. Hugo seemed to know exactly where he wanted to go, and Nell followed him over to a small playground, sitting next to him on the swings.

He grinned, feeling in his coat pocket. Then he opened a box, holding it out for her to see the ring inside, flashing bright in the new day. ‘Nell, this is a symbol of love between the two of us. That you’ll love me, and I’ll love you. That we can make happen the things we both want.’

He’d said almost those same words before. This time it was real. Nell began to tremble with excitement, as he fell onto one knee in front of her. ‘Will you marry me, Nell?’

‘Yes, Hugo.’ She leaned forward, kissing him. Holding on to him tightly, in case this was just a beautiful dream.

‘This isn’t a royal jewel. If you’d prefer one of those, there are plenty to choose from...’

‘No. No, Hugo, this is much better. I want this one, please.’ It wasn’t some anonymous jewel. Hugo had chosen this just for her. It was exquisite, a gold band with square cut diamonds set all the way around it. Clearly expensive, but not so bulky that it would tear a pair of surgical gloves.

‘You don’t need to take this one off when you’re at work.’ Hugo had obviously been thinking exactly the same as she was.

‘Hugo, thank you for coming for me. Thank you for believing in me. I’ll never take it off.’ Nell could feel tears streaming down her cheeks. He pulled at her glove, tugging it off, and she held out her hand.

‘I’ll be taking it off on our wedding day. Just for long enough to slip your wedding ring on.’ He kissed her, sliding the ring onto her finger.

‘Come home with me, Hugo. I have a three-quarter-sized bed, and I want to see how well you fit into it.’

‘I’ll fit. Particularly if I have you in my arms. Are you tired?’

‘What? No, I’m not tired. Are you?’

‘Not even slightly.’ He got to his feet, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Then Nell walked her prince back up to the tiny flat that now contained every dream she’d ever had.

