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When Liz hooked up with Crash from the Dirty Angels, it sucked, but Whip was nowhere near as bent about it as Ozzy. Whip could understand why. They had a thing. Maybe not a serious thing but definitely a thing.

It was also why the exec committee had been lenient with the older brother and let him get away with some shit no one else might’ve gotten away with. Like walking out during a committee meeting. Normally, his secretary patch would’ve been stripped for that.

Honestly, Whip figured Ozzy wouldn’t have given a fuck if it had been. But the problem was, nobody else wanted that spot.

Whip sure didn’t.

“Did you crack your head on one of the lifts? Why are you just standing there looking lost?” Reilly’s questions dragged him out of his head and into the office where apparently he’d wandered.

He realized Fallon had followed him.

Her question “What’s going on?” once again echoed through his head.

Apparently, he was losing his goddamn mind, that was what was going on. All because of a customer he’d only met a couple of hours ago.

Reilly’s lips pursed and her narrowed gaze zeroed in on his crotch.

Fuck. He guessed the coveralls didn’t camouflage his erection as much as he thought. One blonde eyebrow lifted and she flicked a glance to Fallon, then back to him before wiggling both eyebrows.


Whip blew a breath out of his nostrils and shook his head slightly, pulling the small scratchpad out of his chest pocket where he’d written down the make, model, year and even VIN of Fallon’s Indian. He’d also noted the size and brand of the tire and the OM part number for the oil pan. All Lee had to do was call around for him.

He ripped the top sheet off and dropped it onto her desk. “See what you can do with that.”

Reilly glanced up from the spot where the note landed, to him, a slow smirk crossing her face. “Sure you don’t want to do it yourself?”

“Got other shit I gotta do,” he grumbled.

“Uh huh.”

Whip could see she was struggling to bite her tongue. She’d better keep a tight grip on it or he’d make it his personal mission to embarrass the fuck out of her another day.

He narrowed his eyes on her and sent that silent message.

Her lips rolled inward, making him close his eyes and take another deep breath. When he opened them, he said, “Just do it.”


Jesus fuck. How Rev put the fuck up with her… “Please,” he forced out.

She flashed him an over-exaggerated smile that clearly indicated she was up to no good.

“Christ,” he said under his breath and turned to Fallon where she had once again settled in the seat across from Reilly.

Of course, watching that whole exchange.

“You need anythin’ in the meantime, Reilly can help. Yeah, Lee?”

Reilly winked at him. “Sure, I’ll take care of Fallon for you.”

“Not for—” He shook his head. It wasn’t worth it. “Yell when you find the tire and oil pan.”

“I’ll do that,” Reilly said with a tone everyone in that room could read.

He sighed and walked the fuck out before he embarrassed himself.

“No one has the oil pan in stock,” Reilly announced after calling him back into the office. “I contacted all the parts stores that I could think of. I swear every damn dealership, too. We can get the tire on Monday but the oil pan is a no-go.”

Whip ground his palm against the back of his neck and glanced at Fallon looking at him like he should be able to snap his damn fingers and create a miracle.

He couldn’t.

“No fuckin’ dealership had it?” he asked Rev’s ol’ lady.

“Oh, sure, I found a dealership who had it.”

Christ. She was going to make him work for it. “Okay?”

“In Texas.”

“What?” That didn’t seem right.

Reilly shrugged.

“They gonna overnight it?” he asked.

“As soon as they can find it in their stock.”

His brow dropped low. “Whataya mean?”

Reilly shrugged again. “Their computer said they had one. Their parts guy went to pull it from stock and it wasn’t where it’s supposed to be.”

What the actual fuck? “And?”

She bugged her green eyes out at him like he was an idiot. “And they need to find it. Once they do they’ll express ship it.”

He shot Lee a frown. “So, we have no clue when the fuck it’s gonna get here?”

She narrowed her eyes on him and her face became a picture of annoyance. “It’ll get here when it gets here. I’m neither a magician or a psychic, Whip.”

He snuck a glance at Fallon to see her chewing on her bottom lip. She wasn’t liking Reilly’s findings, either. He didn’t blame her. She probably had somewhere to be. And that place wasn’t Manning Grove. Unfortunately, now she’d be stuck here for who knew how long.

He turned back to Lee. “Nowhere else had one?”

“Another dealership I called had one on order but it hadn’t come in yet. They said the bike is so damn new they haven’t stocked parts for it yet. They’ll call me if it comes in soon.”
