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He gave me a strange look. “I don’t know. Am I?”

“I mean, what are we? What do I call you? Besides my flesh manservant.”

“I’m taking back my fries.” He laughed when I smacked at his hand. “What do you want to call me? Call us?”

“Together,” I decided. “Just together.”

“I like the way you think, Daly.” He picked up a fry to feed it to me. I couldn’t say I minded licking salt off his fingers.

Or other parts of him.

“What are we going to do today while we’re on the lam? Other than going to Jersey to see my folks.” I bit my lip. “Unless maybe a call would be better?”

“Nice try. I want to see those cheerleader pictures. And I want to talk to them too.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Why?”

He grabbed some napkins and suddenly became quite occupied with brushing invisible crumbs off his shirt and pants. “You know, to reassure them about the security issues.”

“We have a bodyguard.” That we were not making use of at the current time but still.


I shook my head. “I can reassure them too, you know. My promiseland doesn’t mean I’m mute.”

“Yeah, so no big deal. Anyway, what do you feel like doing? Since we’ll be on the road tomorrow night. Last hurrah and all that.”

I toyed with the edge of my plate. “I feel guilty about Cole. Maybe we can buy him something?”

His brow spiked. “You want to buy our bodyguard a present because we ditched him?”


Cooper shook his head, his lips curving. “You’re entirely too good for me.”

“Have you forgotten all the ways I can be bad already?” I leaned across the table and stroked his scruffy jaw. “I’ll be sure to remind you again later. Oh, Standwick Music?”

“The store?”

“Yeah. I like to look. I haven’t had a chance for a bit. And maybe we could stop by the store to get stuff for dinner? We haven’t done an everything but the kitchen sink night for a while.”


“That’s where we can get Cole’s present. I can already tell he’s a meat and potatoes guy. We can get him a fancy steak.”

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. But he’s probably reported us already. I’m surprised Lila hasn’t texted.”

“I turned my phone off after Ricki’s text. Last hurrah day means no pissing on our cloud.”

“I like how you think.”

“Really? Is all that okay?”

“Absolutely. You’re too easy to please. Here I’m thinking you’ll want to go shopping all day, and instead, you want to do stuff I’d pick myself.” He gripped my hand and rubbed my knuckles. “Though stopping by La Perla would actually be a gift for me.”

It was time for me to raise my brows. “Wait, you’re volunteering to go shopping?”

“La Perla,” he repeated. “That’s the kind of shopping I’ll never tire of.”
