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I quickened my step. “Who needs bread?”


Our free day went by too fast. And Cole—nor Lila or Noah when we called—was not placated by our fervent apologies. He wolfed down the steak though.

Now Monday evening had arrived, and we had a new frontier to explore.

And a decision to make.

“How are we going to do this?”

Cooper dragged the back of his knuckles lightly down my cheek. “Pretty sure we figured that out days ago.” He coasted down my neck where I knew there were a few bruises. “Lots of sweat and marks.”

“I’m being serious.”

“You really think they’re not going to figure it out? According to half our band, they already did. I was the idiot.”

I twisted our fingers together on the seat between us. “You? At least you knew you were interested in me. I was clueless.”

“To be fair, I’m a soldier trained

to keep my emotions in line.”

My laughter filled the car.


“Emotions in line. Please. You’ve been growling at me for months. I just didn’t realize why.”

He leaned into me and nipped my ear, his voice low. “Because I kept picturing ways to pin you down and fill you up until you couldn’t imagine a day without me inside you.” His tongue flicked over my pulse. “So there was no possible way for another man not to know you’re mine.”

I gave him a little more room to nuzzle along my neck. He knew it drove me crazy. “I am yours.”

“Damn fucking right.”

“But we have to live with our band.” It wasn’t as hard to say ours instead of the band. Knowing I had a space there and truly belonged was getting easier to believe. But if Pat was involved with the threat to the band, would they still think that way?

Losing them would be like losing a limb.

Losing Cooper would be so much worse.

He curled my hand in his and brought it to his chest. “We’ll play it by ear, all right? But I’m not going to lie.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“Good. Because being in close quarters on the bus is going to be—there’s no way I’ll be able to resist getting my hands on you.” His voice lowered. “Or inside you where I belong.”

I swallowed hard. My pussy instantly clenched at the thought. Even though he reminded me again and again just how true that statement was. “I just don’t want to make it weird.”

“Oh, like barbarian Oz and his way with Daisy?”

I couldn’t stop the smile. “That’s true.”

“Or Nash who pretty much wants to be surgically grafted to Lindz?”

“Okay, okay. I get it. Not like it’s really weird for our group.”

“Not at all. But I’m not going to be obnoxious. Mostly.”
