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“We both should have known,” Lila put in. “Period.”

I was still pissed. No one appeared to care how I felt, but I was going to voice it, anyway. “I woke up looking for you, and you weren’t there. I was having a panic attack, and you were on the phone, plotting with Noah? Talking about things you should have talked about with me first?”

Silently, Lindsey laid a hand on my arm in support.

“You needed rest.”

“You needed to be straight with me, if what you found warranted a phone call to Noah.”

“Did you just hear me? I said I didn’t get anywhere. And I intended to tell you about talking to Noah, but you woke up first, and you were freaking out. I wasn’t thinking about the pissing match I’d just had with him.” Cooper jerked a thumb toward Noah.

I frowned. “What do you mean?” I looked at Noah. “What kind of pissing match?”

Noah tucked his fists under his arms. “Ask your boyfriend.”

“Excuse me.” Jamie slapped a hand on the table. “I feel like we’re not being told a hell of a lot here. The band knew about the trouble Zane got into, except who? Lindz, me, and Oz?”

Oz scraped a hand through his long hair. “I knew. He called me, and I told him I was busy.”

“Busy busting a nut. Some friend.”

“Watch it, asshole.”

“Coop was doing the same thing, and he still helped me out.”

Oz smirked. “What, into his hand?”

I reached across the table and thwapped him in the head. “He was with me.”

“What?” He looked between Cooper and I then let out a whistle. “Well, that’s new. How did I miss that?”

Lindsey shook her head. “Save it for later, Captain Oblivious.”

Oz shrugged. “Anyway, I called Zane later and found out he’d joined the Rockettes the night before.” He cleared his throat as literally everyone glared at him. “Bad joke.”

“This is bullshit.” Jamie scooped a hand through her hair and then tied it on top of her head with quick jerks of her wrists. “First, we have the hookup twins over there skating out early. Fine, whatever, fuck like rabbits, your business.”

I was still stuck on Cooper sneaking around to call Noah. Wasn’t that information I should’ve had? He’d never even mentioned it. We’d spent a beyond incredible day together yesterday, never mind today, and he hadn’t said a word.

I was just annoyed enough at being fretted over and protected again that I lifted my chin and met Jamie’s gaze. “It’s not anyone else’s concern unless we want it to be.”

Zane laughed. “Good luck there, sister.”

“Then there’s this Zane situation,” Lindsey said, effortlessly picking up where Jamie left off. “I’m not interested in who is swapping beds unless it’s a problem for the band.” She slanted me a cool look. “Thus far, it isn’t. But why weren’t we apprised of what Zane was dealing with? He mentioned having a record.”

Zane gazed down at his feet miserably. “Coop got me out.”

“And your manager is trying to help you, again way late and a dollar short. I don’t know who told any of you that you could behave as if this is any other time without any thought to the larger repercussions. Guess what? It isn’t.”

But Lindsey wasn’t done yet.

“Again, why weren’t we notified? I don’t like to pull rank here, since from the beginning, Brooklyn Dawn has been a collaborative effort. But Jamie and I started it. We were the ones there from the ground up. If things are happening that affect the band, we should be made aware. If not immediately, shortly thereafter. Not several days after the fact as part of a rant.”

“You think I’m ranting? Trust me, I haven’t even started, Ms. York.”

Lindsey took a long breath. “I get that there’s a lot going on. I’m not saying notifying us is the biggest issue right now. But it is important.”

“You have a point, and another time, I would agree with you. I do not right now. There are much larger concerns.”
