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A trio of girls rushed the barricade that security had set up.

“Oh, my God! It’s Teagan.” Two of the girls started jumping up and down and waving.

My heart tripped. I often felt like the backup dancer to the band, and it was always a surprise when someone recognized me. As much as I liked being inconspicuous, this was nice too.

The hum of excitement rolled through the group like a wave as shock turned to glee.

“Can we stop?”

“Keep it moving, Daly.”

I waved back and the chattering turned to laughter and a few screams. “Oh, come on. Look how excited they are.”

“They’ll be just as excited inside where I can keep things under control.”

I sighed. “You’re right.” Even without the crap we were going through, it was a security disaster. People got too excited and others got hurt, not even just me.

With one more wave, I followed the two linebacker-sized security guys through the double doors. The arena was empty except for our crew setting up our equipment. Normally, we didn’t have two days to get ready, but the fan club events were done around four times a year, and we had deals with certain arenas to do the special soundcheck, fan club only merch, and a special hour with one of the band.

This wasn’t my first time, but it was the first event that I’d had a hand in creating.

Nerves climbed up my shoulders the closer we got to the tunnels that led to the backstage area. A hive of people was waiting for me, including a small video crew we used for those who wanted to pay for a copy of the entire event. We had all different levels of fan coverage. The main package would get the rehearsal, and the second tier would get time with me.

“We’re setting you up on the B-stage for the event. Jefferson brought out your Steinway at your request.”


There would be a crowd of fans staring at me. I wasn’t Lindsey. What the hell had I been thinking with this? I should have just gone for the awkward question and answer session.

“Do you need a little time to warm up?”

I nodded. “Yes, just a few minutes. I can do it in the ladies’ room.”

“Perfect.” Noah hustled me out of the hallway to one of the larger bathrooms. “Cole will be right outside.”

I gave him a brave smile and nodded to Cole as he held the door for me. It was a standard fare arena bathroom. Garish lights and dingy tile with Formica counters and a dozen sinks. I went right for the center bowl.

It was one of those controlled flow kinds so I just kept my hands in front of the sensor so the cool water kept running over my wrists. A light buzz filled my ears.

“Not now.”

I gripped the counter.

“Come on. You’re fine. You can do this. You’ve ached to do this for ages.”

I lifted my gaze to the mirror. The harsh light made me look a sickly green. I took a long, slow breath and thought about what Cooper had told me to do to get through a panic attack. Breathe. I pictured his smiling face when he sat across from me at the burger place.



All that love in his eyes.

Was it love on his end too? It had to be. Not that we’d said the words. I knew I felt it—with everything. But I hadn’t been brave enough to say it either.

The buzzing slowed. Apparently, thinking about my real world problems negated my not-so-rockstar-like stage fright.

I pulled my hands away and the water stopped. I grabbed paper towels and dried off and forced myself to work through a few sets of warmups. I was well aware that Cole was probably laughing his ass off outside the door, but I needed to loosen up my neck and belted out, “Let It Go”. It was the easiest way to get through my chest and head voice. And it was one of those songs that stuck in your head for ages.
