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“He surprised us with the news today.” Teagan narrowed her eyes. “He’s sneaky like that.”

“Well, I’m just glad to see my boy. The whole band is a bonus.” My mom thumbed away a tear. “Okay, that means you two can help me with the food.”

“Oh, of course.” Teagan immediately brightened and followed my mom into the farmhouse kitchen. It hadn’t changed much in the year since I’d been home. Just a few new things here and there and a fresh coat of paint.

The punch of maple baked beans made my mouth water. “Man, you went all out.”

“Not every day I get such fancy New Yorkers in my home.” She smiled. “Teagan, you can take that salad out. I’ll make this strong guy heft out the cast iron one.”

“I’m pretty strong.” Teagan went for a white and blue bowl. “This one?”

“Yes, please.”

I followed Teagan over to the table and dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. “I’ll be right out.”

She glanced at my mom and then back to me and did that lip bite thing that drove me crazy. “Did I do okay?” she mouthed.

“More than,” I murmured.

Relief flushed her cheeks as she straightened her daisy-covered sundress. “Okay, off I go.”

I watched her leave, my heart thudding so loud I missed the first thing my mom said.


“Hmm?” I turned with a smile. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I could just eat her up. You marry that girl.”

“Ma, you don’t even know her.” I shoved my hands into my pockets and came out with the little crystal piano I’d bought. “But I’m kinda ahead of you for the first time…ever.”

“Oh.” She waved her hand in front of her eyes. “Cooper Maxwell Dallas, you are not dropping this on me right this minute.”

“Well, I didn’t do the asking yet. In fact, I was sort of hoping you might keep everyone busy, so I could sneak away with Jenny to get a ring in town.”

“In town? Our jeweler is like one-hundred years old.”

“Actually, Old Man Johnson handed over the reins to his granddaughter. I was looking at their brand-new website last night while I was freaking out about doing this thing.” The words tumbled out of my mouth. I blew out a slow breath. “Sorry. I’m just really—ugh. I love her like crazy, Ma. I could throw up at the thought of proposing but not doing it is worse.”

“Oh, baby.” She threw her arms around my shoulders. The waterworks were on full display, and she finally let me go to tug the tail of the towel out of her pocket. “Whoosh. I swear, I didn’t think it would ever happen. You took so damn long to tell her you loved her.”

Well, I sort of hadn’t done that part yet. But she knew. She had to know.

“It’s good, right?” I stared down at the little piano box. It was so dainty and yet strong, just like Teagan. “I was out shopping with her, and we were in this fancy music store. And there it was behind the register. I just knew I had to get it and do it now. Like a lightning bolt.”

“That’s how it’s supposed to happen.”

“I asked her dad that same day. You know, the whole can I have your permission thing. I wanted to ask her mom too, but it didn’t quite work out that way.”

My mom’s hands went to her hips, and her chin lifted. “You asked her dad before telling me?”

I winced. “There was no plan. I’m just jumping without a parachute here.” And I had been a damn parajumper. A lack of plans was a hell no in my former life. I cleared my throat. “I didn’t even know I was going to do it right then. Things just kept happening like dominos. It’s all so new and confusing. She’s my best friend and…” My face flamed. “And then, we were more. Finally.”

“Well, I’m glad to know your sex life is fulfilling.”

“Ma.” My heart hit my toes. “Can we not?”

“What? Your father was just as in
