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“Yeah, I understand. But maybe we can do Christmas.”

I smiled into her neck. “Maybe we can bring your parents here and do it up blended family style?”



She hugged me tighter. “I didn’t think I could ever be so happy with what’s been happening all around us.” She rested her cheek against my shoulder. “Sometimes I feel a little guilty about it.”

“Don’t.” I eased her back. “We only have one life, and I’m not wasting any part of it with you anymore.”

Her gaze drifted to my lips then back to my eyes. “I…”

My heart thundered so loud, I could barely hear around it.

“Yo! Would you two come up for air? We have to get back on the bus.”

I collapsed into the grass. That part I definitely heard.

Teagan rested her hands on my belly. “Jamie is a serious ruiner.”

I lifted my head. “What were you going to say?”

“It’ll keep.” She climbed off me and got up, and then held her hand out to me. “C’mon, Dallas. We gotta go to work.”

I yanked her down and rolled her over into the sweet grass. “They can wait a few minutes.” Then I kissed my girl in the sunshine with a ring burning a hole in my pocket and my future in my arms.


I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen a more beautiful amphitheater in my life. Brooklyn Dawn had last played here right before I’d joined the band, so this was my first time here. The mountains behind the stage were a touch overwhelming. Like they’d carved the bit of stone and wood right into the land and allowed us mere mortals to play for Mother Nature. The Black River flowing behind it was made for tubing, since it had been a dry summer so far.

It was the perfect setting to wind down our summer tour. It still felt a little strange to be finishing up in not too long, but then again, everything attached to this tour had been odd. As if a specter had been hanging out on the fringes, coloring the tone of the shows.

Thank God, it didn’t seem to translate to the crowds. There was nothing but smiles on the faces of the stream of concertgoers. Especially today on this perfect summer day.

I nodded to Cole, who had shadowed me to the side of the stage set-up so I could get a look at the place. “I’m good to go back in.”

He pressed something at his ear and checked in with the team before we headed back into the dressing rooms. Daisy was putting the finishing touches on Lindsey’s hair. For once, volume wasn’t a problem for all of us girls. The humidity was a bitch at these outdoor shows, but Montana was blissfully temperate.

I was already dressed for the show, and because we were a co-headlining tour, it was our turn to go first tonight. Normally, I liked a bit of quiet before a show, but today had been full of laughter, crazy cute alpacas, and possibly a new bit of family added to my life.

I was an only child. My first taste of crazy had been joining Brooklyn Dawn. My parents were about as all-American as you could get, and we were the quiet kind of family who played Scrabble every Sunday. Nothing like the busy Dallas family with their ranch and yarn business headed by a strong woman who had carved out a life for her loved ones even with so much loss.

Cooper had come from that. A man who valued family in all its forms.

I glanced over at him, pacing in the dressing room. He’d been a little off since our trip out to his mom’s place. Not exactly secretive but definitely antsy.

Had it been because I’d almost blurted out the big L word? It had been such a s

hort time since we’d changed our relationship, but it felt right. Better than right. He was the other piece I’d been looking for all my life.

“Go in ten, people,” Noah called from the hallway.

I swear, he’d become our tour manager more than just the head of security lately. He seemed perfect for the role, even if he’d probably deny it to his dying breath.

I went over to Cooper and slid my fingers between his. “You all right?”

“Yeah.” His forehead was creased, and I watched him forcibly relax. “It’s just been one of those days. A lot going on.”
