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“Even worse than the others. At least they were fully clothed.” He clicked off before I could respond.

The volume of the classic heavy metal music pumping through my system rose just as the elevator dinged and Teagan stepped off with a chagrined Cole at her side.

I was too busy trying to breathe to look away. Unfortunately, the part of her I was focused on meant I missed her expression of delight at our friends being present—even if she was a shiver away from being naked.

“Oh. Oh my God. Oh. What’s all this? Oh.” Teagan covered her face as I rushed forward to wrap my arms around her.

“Surprise party,” I said belatedly as our friends shouted “happy birthday” from behind us.

Cole disappeared down the hall, probably to shut himself in the blessed silence of the music room. It was his favorite place lately.

Considering the din as our friends dragged Teagan away, I couldn’t say I blamed him.

Zane cleared his throat as he came up behind me. “Gotta say, I like her party attire.”

I whacked him in the gut.

Though he had a point. Despite it being the end of September, Teagan was wearing the skimpiest hot pink bikini I’d ever seen underneath a see-through thigh-high trenchcoat with a pair of pink stilettos. Combined with her miles of sunset hair tumbling down her back and her sexy, dramatic makeup, she was stunning.

No wonder Bill had said she was causing a scene. I was in mortal pain and hoping like hell no one would look at me below the waist.

“She matches the pink theme,” Zane added as he went to say hello to her along with everyone else.

I just grinned as she sent me a helpless look from within the circle of our friends.

Toasts were made. Drinks were consumed. A towering p

ile of gifts was opened and oohed and awwed over.

Finally, once all of our guests and their assorted bodyguards had gotten the hint and moved the party elsewhere, I blindfolded Teagan and led her into the music room.

Thankfully, Cole was nowhere in sight.

“What are you doing?” Teagan laughed as I guided her into the center of the room. “You’ve given me enough. Custom diamond-studded nipple clamps, really?”

“Blame Lindsey.”

“Lindz? Not Jamie?”

“I know, shocking. She got some from Nash for her last birthday and said they changed his life.”

She giggled. “Ahh, so it’s really a gift for you.”

“At least partly. But this is all yours.” I untied the blindfold as we came to a stop.

For a moment, she didn’t speak. Or seem to breathe.

Then she pressed a hand to her mouth.

“My piano?” She moved to the pink Grand piano we’d found shopping that day and ran her hand reverently over the gleaming surface. “You got it for me?”

I tucked my hands in my pockets. “Either I did or one of your many admirers outside. You drew a crowd, Daly, and I see why. You’re a fucking wet dream.”

“It was all for you.” She ran her fingertips over the keys as her glossy pink lips trembled. “This is the most beautiful gift I’ve ever been given. Thank you.”

“It was yours from the moment you saw it.” I swallowed over the rock in my throat. “I will try my damnedest to always give you a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. No matter how many times the world tries to destroy it.” I moved to her and brushed her hair out of her face as she tilted up her chin. “We’ll always find more sunshine. Together.”

“I love you. So much. Sometimes I feel like I can’t contain it all.”
