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Noah’s mouth quirked into a shadow of a smile. “In charge of you? What a concept.”

“We leave New York next Wednesday to head out to Philly, so that will be your introduction to your new home away from home. I would say pack lightly, but we know for some of you, that’s impossible.” Everyone pointed at Lindsey and she held up her hands in mock defeat. “The bus can accommodate all but your most ridiculous shoe wardrobes in any case.”

“Great. We’ll get to see sexfests in even closer quarters.” Zane cocked his head. “Then again, who needs porn?”

“Y’all know I’m an exhibitionist.” Jamie popped her gum. “So, who am I sleeping with?”

“According to The Daily Tattler, your kidnapping victim,” Oz said drily while everyone laughed.

“Funny. I’m onto greener pastures.” Jamie unscrewed my soda again and tossed the cap at Oz, who caught it easily. “I meant my bunkmate on the bus. Hello.”

“Probably near your security, I’d assume?” Lindsey glanced at Noah. “You’re still with Teagan, right?”

“No,” Cooper said quickly. “I’ve got her.”

“You certainly do.” Jamie waggled her brows. “Get the chick on lockdown when she’s in distress. You, my man, are a movie of the week.”

“Actually, Noah is switching to Ms. DuCaine.”

If ever a statement had made a pin drop, that was it.

“Not necessary.” Jamie crossed her arms. “Teagan’s more of a flight risk than I am.”

“Hey.” I frowned at her. “Last night was the first time I did something like that.” My frown turned into a wince. “Recently.”

“Our decisions are final and not up for discussion.”

“What happened to you wanting our ideas, hmm?”

“Petulance does not constitute an idea.” Lila rolled on while Jamie aimed her murderous gaze in her direction. “As far as Teagan, Cooper has a point, and we’ll be happy to take advantage of his past training. Since you mentioned to me prior to the meeting that Teagan would be staying with you, I assumed we could employ one bodyguard for the both of you.”

Cooper didn’t look my way. “That’s correct.”

“Is that so?” I yanked back my hand and dropped it in my lap. My fingers were still tingling. “Do you recall me saying I could live temporarily on the bus? Assuming it was cool with Lila.”

“It is not cool with Lila, namely because the new bus isn’t ready yet.” Donovan’s cultured voice made me cringe. “Added to that, we’d prefer you stay with Cooper. Lila mentioned a united front earlier. When combined with Cooper’s training, the choice seems clear.” He paused. “Unless you have an objection?”

Everyone was waiting for my answer. Including me. Why was I fighting this? I’d stayed at his place last night. We hung out together all the time. It just made sense.

“You never even asked me before you told Lila I was staying with you.”

“I just figured—”

“You didn’t ask,” I repeated quietly. “That’s really important to me.”

Rather than arguing, he gave me a quick nod. “Yeah. I’m sorry. Would you stay with me? Temporarily,” he added as if he knew that would be a sticking point.

I curled my suddenly shaking hands together in my lap. “Yeah.”

Oz dropped his elbow heavily on the table, breaking the humming moment. “So, do I get Sarah again? She busts my balls, but I think she could drop a dude before I even knew he was there.”

“Yes. Sarah is still your bodyguard, Osmond.” Lila consulted her iPad and continued naming the security for the others.

All the while, Coop stared at me. With my heart beating way too fast, I stared right back.

Everything was changing, whether or not I was ready. I just hoped I still recognized myself as the woman I’d fought to become by the end of it.

