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“I’m just overwhelming. I know I am. I’ve scared off guys before. Ricki and I used to joke we would be single at forty, and we’d each have half a dozen cats. Which isn’t a bad thing,” I added hastily. “Cats are clearly the superior pet. They don’t need to be walked.”

Apparently, he had no desire to weigh in on the merits of dogs. “Ricki is not single. She’s so married we all take bets on when her husband will literally fuck her to death.”

I sighed. “I know. What a way to go.”

“So, half your theory was wrong.” He laced his fingers with mine. “If you want the part about you to be wrong, I’m entirely sure you can make it so.”

“Look, kidnapping worked for Jamie, but I’m not that ballsy.”

Something about Cooper’s laughter was so wonderful, especially when we were holding hands. We’d done it before, here and there. Stolen moments when our fingers had tangled or we’d been hurrying somewhere. Once, the band had gotten into a snowball fight after a show, and he’d held my hands to warm them up. But this was different.


“I don’t know how, but somehow, you don’t see your appeal. At all. I have a feeling some of that has to do with that asshole.”

I said nothing.

“If I ever meet the guy, I’m not responsible for my actions. How fucking dare he lay a hand on you?”

More silence on my part. I was too busy swallowing over the boulder in my throat.

“A woman like you deserves to be protected. Adored. Treated with respect. And when it’s time for bed, fucked over and over until she never doubts how much she’s wanted.”

My eyes filled. Which thankfully he did not see until he parked the car in the garage, unsnapped his seatbelt, and turned to me.

“Jesus, I didn’t want to make you cry. You talk about you messing stuff up? Kleenexes before sex never work out well.”

I let out a sniffly laugh. “You just lo—” I stopped and got myself back in line. “I matter to you, and it’s not an act to get in my pants. Or for a free room in a townhouse you don’t have to chip in on.”

His knuckles brushed over the tears gathering on my cheeks. “No. Although admittedly, I’d do an awful lot to get under your skirt. But not lie. I would never do that.”

I smiled. “Like Meatloaf.”

“Only you, babe.” His grin was like lightning. “And to me, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

I sniffled again, but already the tears were receding. I’d be damned if I spoiled what could be a perfect night with recriminations. “Even if my panties are soaked?”

“If I die tonight, make sure someone uses the shock panels on me, okay? I’m not giving up without a fight.”

I laughed.

“Now get your ass out of this car and into my apartment. I want you naked.”

“Yes, sir.” Before I got out, I reached beneath my skirt and wiggled my panties down my legs and over my heels. I had not been exaggerating their current state. If anything, I should have wrung them out befor

e handing them over. But Cooper’s slack-jawed expression as I pressed them into his hand made it worth it. “Souvenir,” I said lightly.

I didn’t know what I expected him to do with them. Maybe ball them up and put them in his pocket. Smell them. That was a usual choice. But I definitely didn’t think he would lift them to his mouth and lick right where the heart of me had been just a moment before.

I swallowed. “Expensive seats. I’m getting out now.”

His laughter trailed me out of the vehicle.

“I’m probably going to bronze these pants since I put your panties in my pocket,” he said as soon as he joined me and grasped my hand. He’d tucked the panties in his back pocket and left them hanging out enough to be visible.

“Platinum-line the panties?”

“Nah. Sleep with those under my pillow every night.”
