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I wrinkled my nose. “I’ll have to keep you supplied with fresh pairs. That could get messy quick.”

He squeezed my fingers. “Promise?”

It was such an innocently dirty question. But it didn’t feel that way when my pulse was hammering, and my skin was too tight and hot. “Judging by recent events, it will not be a problem. Of course, I think I only have a couple pairs in my bus duffel, if mine at home are ruined. Oh, well, shopping trip.” I kept my tone cheerful, but he wasn’t fooled.

“Why don’t you let me buy you some?”

“Really? Why would you want to do that? Do you have a secret fetish?”

“Yes. Imagining peeling them off you with my teeth would bring me endless pleasure.” He nodded at the security standing sentry and nudged me ahead of him to go inside.

I cleared my throat once we proceeded past the ice-eyed attendant who had looked at me late last night as if I were a dead bug in the building’s pool. God, had it really not even been twenty-four hours yet?

Pretty sure this day qualified as the most eventful one of my life. And it wasn’t over.

“I think those security types heard you talking about peeling off my underwear.”

“With my teeth,” he reminded me as if I’d forgotten.

“So absolutely noted.”

He swiped his fingers over his pocket panties before withdrawing his pass to use on the elevator.

On the swift ride up to the penthouse, we were quiet, mutually lost in our own pre-sex worlds. His probably consisted of times tables so he wouldn’t come prematurely. Mine was made up of admonitions not to mention anything more future-related than dates to fuck.

I wouldn’t even do it intentionally. Sex addict or not, if I got into bed with a guy, I had feelings. I didn’t know how to do meaningless sex. Pity for me, but I supposed I was a traditional sort deep down.

Cooper, on the other hand, might just get the title of bad boy.

Deliciously bad.

After we stepped into his staggeringly huge place, I wasn’t even that surprised to find myself with my spine against the wall. Or with him on his knees before me while he pushed up my skirt.

The surprise came in when he lifted both my legs onto his shoulders and held me up just with his absurdly big hands.

Being small sometimes came in pretty useful.

“God.” It was the only thing I could manage when he found me with his mouth. And tongue. And even a little bit of teeth, just the edge of them against my already swollen clit. The jolt had me rearing back against the wall, but his hold didn’t falter. Not even when he moved just that much lower to slip his tongue into me. Way in, so that I was left shuddering with the first slow slide.

It wasn’t just what he was doing. It was the sounds he was making deep in his throat. Rumbles of desire and appreciation that were so hot I could’ve come from that alone.

Instead, it only took a couple tongue thrusts and his lips sealing around my clit before I was a goner, helplessly lost and quivering as I dug my nails into the wall for purchase.

It took a minute for him to stop. Maybe a lifetime. Time had no place in my world anymore.

He set my still-trembling legs on the floor and moved up my body. My hair was a tangled mess across my face, and I didn’t even know if my hands had helped make it that way. Tearing at myself before letting all of that out seemed entirely reasonable in this moment.

Carefully, he untangled the strands and parted them until he could look into my eyes. Seeking something that didn’t scare me here and now. “There you are. Hi.”

“Hi.” It was probably stupid to be shy after you’d come in a guy’s mouth after approximately two minutes. Yet here I was.

Then he framed my face in his hands and kissed me with lips that tasted deliriously like me, and I wasn’t shy anymore. I was ravenous.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and boosted my legs onto his hips and held on while he staggered toward the nearest piece of furniture that could support us. He almost tried the glass end table first before redirecting toward the long couch. We went sailing back onto it, and his head hit the arm with a sizable thunk. I moaned in sympathy while simultaneously trying to rub out the hurt and sucking on his tongue.

Evidently, he cared less about his possible concussion than slipping free the couple of tiny buttons on my top and letting free the one thing nature had not been stingy on when it came to my curves.

My ass was decent. My breasts, especially considering my petiteness? A bounty I could not deny. It helped balance out all the damn freckles.
