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“Fuck off.”

I gave him a hard look.

He blew out a breath. “Sorry.”

“What the hell happened to you?”

“I don’t know.”

I frowned. “Pardon?”

He lowered his voice. “I woke up here with no wallet and a number on my hand.” The cuffs jerked in the short ring as he flashed his palm at me with a smudged seventy-three scrawled in huge lettering, which happened to match his blackened fingertips. However, I was pretty sure those were courtesy of the Brooklyn PD.

He seemed to notice the ink on his fingertips and curled his fingers into a fist. “Fingerprinted like a common criminal.” He rattled the cuffs. “And these. Everything hurts, and my head feels like a piece of rebar was shoved through my brain.”

“Well, you had to be arrested for something.”

“I can’t remember actually doing anything.”

“Why didn’t you call Lila? She would have had you out of here way before I managed to. Do you know what I had to do to get you out of here?”

“I’m getting out?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re welcome, by the way.”

“I’m sorry.” He tried to rub his head and was stopped by the cuffs. Resignation moved over his face. His usual chill demeanor was nowhere in sight. He was tense and obviously hurting. “Yes, thank you. I’ll pay you back.”

I had a feeling that showing sympathy wasn’t exactly the right way to go right now. I wasn’t entirely sure he wouldn’t turn into a blubbering mess, and I was not here for that in the least. “Damn right. I could have sold a kidney on the black market for what they asked for.”

Zane winced, but his spine straightened. “I don’t care. I’ll pay it. But I’m getting out of here, right?”

“They’re processing you.”

He tipped his head back. “Thank God.”

“You have five minutes.”

He glanced over his hunched shoulder at the cop. “He just got here.”

Stoneface just stared straight ahead again.

I leaned in, my voice little more than a murmur. “What the hell did you do? That bail was not a drunk and disorderly.” I glanced at the cuffs. “I’m pretty sure those aren’t either.”

Zane banged his head on the table. “Grand larceny. Also, something is wrong with my back. I might have gotten in a fight or something.”

“What the hell?” I wasn’t sure Zane had even lifted a candy bar in his lifetime. And Mr. Zen didn’t fight.

“I stole a Lambo.”

“Jesus, Zane.”

“Time’s up.”

“What, no, it can’t be.” Zane’s eyes darted around, panic vibrating off him.

“Fuck.” I stood. “Look, they said you should be out of here in a few minutes. I have to go sign something at the bail bond place, but I’ll be right back.”

“You can’t leave me.”
