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She fumbled for her back pocket. I wasn’t quite sure how she fit her monster phone in those tight pants, but girl shit was a miracle on a number of levels.

“Lila,” she said. “I don’t want to miss her calls.”

“Can’t miss that ringtone.”

Her fingers shook so bad, I slipped the phone out of her grip and hit decline.

She snatched the phone away from me. “Are you crazy? I just said that was Lila.”

I took it from her again and shoved it in my pocket. “You need to tell me what’s up before we talk to her.”

She gnawed on her lower lip and glanced over her shoulder.

“Are you looking for someone?”

“No. I don’t know.”

I swallowed down a growl. “You’re going to tell me exactly what going on.”

“You’re not the boss of me, Cooper Dallas.”

“Get your perfect ass on that elevator.”

Her gaze narrowed. “You shouldn’t be talking about my ass.”

“Don’t try to be cute. It’s not going to stop me from interrogating you.”

Her huge eyes went wider then she crowded in on me. “We might be friends—best friends even, I guess. Maybe. Whatever. But you can’t push me around. I won’t stand for it.”

Considering she didn’t even reach my chin, it was usually difficult not to grin down at her. Today, not so much. She’d been holding something back from me for awhile and Lila’s last meeting had started to clue me in to what. If she was going to shove me into this damn friend zone, at least I should get more than one key when she had fifteen freaking locks on all her secrets.

At first, I’d liked that she didn’t spill all her shit. The women in my life were far too open about some things in my opinion. My sister, Jenny, saw fit to share way too much. From boyfriends to her cycle, there was no off switch on her information highway.

Teagan? I knew her favorite movie was Hocus Pocus, her favorite color changed with the days of the week, and she made me ache in ways I hadn’t known were possible.

But I didn’t know jack shit when it came to her past. Except that she had a piece of shit ex she didn’t want to tell us about. I had enough strangeness in my own history to not want to air all my past crap, but total lockdown? Nope. That wasn’t me.

With Teagan, however, there was something big. And I sucked at being patient.

“Get in the elevator.”

She crossed her arms. “I’ve never been here.”

I frowned. That was true. Not that I shared my sanctuary with many. I’d been to her place a bunch of times. Her place was an old school brownstone, cozy and sweet like her. The couch had seen a thousand naps, at least a dozen of mine for sure. “Then get in there and I’ll show you my place.”

“We should rea

lly talk to Lila.”

“You should give me the details first and then we’ll get our story straight.”

“Why do you assume I’ll need my story straight?”

“You’re still shaking.”

She huffed out an annoyed sigh and stalked ahead of me then stared at the elevator. “Where’s the button?”

I held up the little fob on my keys. “Only have access to my floor. People like their privacy here.” I waved it in front of the unobtrusive scanner. It lit up white to let me know it read my chip and the doors opened smoothly.
