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We were fucked.

I handed the papers to Zane. “We gotta go to Lila. And I don’t want you telling Teagan anything.”

“Don’t tell Teagan what?”


Rage boiled inside of me as I turned on my heel and walked away from my bandmates. Cooper was much more than that to me, but at the moment, I was too irritated to care.

I was so tired of people thinking I couldn’t handle myself. I was a woman living alone in Brooklyn most of the time. But not only did I apparently need a babysitter in my work life, now I had to deal with even more secrets, supposedly for my own good.

More people trying to control my life.

A bunch of people congregated at the front door of the Brooklyn police department. And being the shortest person in the room more than half the time meant I could go unseen.

Sometimes it worked in my favor.

Like today with my borrowed concert T-shirt and denim shorts, I looked more like a teenager than part of a famous rock band.

Sometimes I wished I was Jamie. Tall, strong, loud and didn’t take shit.

Inspired, I pushed my way through the chattering people who sounded like they were coming in for their shift. I’d just channel her right now.

Cooper rushed forward. Shock and frustration bloomed across his face before he dragged me deeper into the vestibule-slash-waiting area away from all the people. “What are you doing here? I told you to stay at my place.”

“First of all, I’m not a dog. I don’t sit and stay.” His jaw flexed. “The more important question is what don’t you want me to know?” I smacked his hand away from me. I really didn’t want him touching me right now. Ever since he took Zane’s call, I’d had a twisted ache in my belly.

Was this what having a gut feeling meant? Because it really sucked.

He tipped his head back. “I just meant I wanted to talk to Lila before I told you something.”

“Well, too late. Guess you need to tell me now.”

I could practically see smoke coming out of his ears.

“Hey, Teagan.”

My gaze swung to Zane, and I forgot my anger for a moment. He was shirtless, which in itself wasn’t exactly an oddity. Zane wasn’t really into clothes for the most part. Said they were binding. But we weren’t on stage or hanging out in a hotel. I lifted my hand to his face. It looked like someone had swiped the largest mascara wand in the history of makeup across his cheek. “What happened to your face?”

He shot Cooper an annoyed glance and turned to look at his reflection in the large glass box holding flyers and community programs. “You let me walk out here like this?”

Cooper shrugged. “Pretty sure it’s going to take a shower to fix your situation. Why should I make you feel worse about it?”

Zane closed his eyes. “I want to be mad at you, but I kinda want to hug you too.”

Cooper held up his hand. “Had enough of your hugs, man. You are ripe.”

“What is that on your back?” I asked.

Zane reached around. “I figured it was a scrape. It burns.”

I pressed my lips together. It wasn’t a laughing matter—at all—but that would literally be following him around forever. “Not a burn.”

Cooper peered over my shoulder. His fist went to his mouth immediately.

I gave him a hard look, but I had to swallow my own laughter. Even drunk off his ass, Zane went for ocean-life for an inebriated impromptu tattoo session.

“What? What is it?”
