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“Oh, yeah, then why weren’t you going to tell me what’s up with Zane?”

He glanced down the alley then back at me. “Can we talk about this where there isn’t a shit-ton of paparazzi waiting for a soundbite or a picture?” He slid his fingers along the hem of my shirt and across my belly. “We’re in enough trouble, I think. And I really don’t want to have to deck some guy this close to the police station.”

“You can’t deck every dude who comes around me.”

“Oh, I can.”

“And more not trusting me to handle myself.” I shoved him again. This time, I made enough space to duck under his arm and walk away.

He sighed and followed me. “The car’s down that way.”

I crossed my arms and inched away when he tried to put his hand on my lower back.

“Come on, Teagan. It’s not that I don’t trust you.”

“If you say ‘I don’t trust the other guy’, I’m going to give you a bloody nose.”

“I like this new feisty side of you. Is this what I have to look forward to?”

“Me murdering you in your sleep because you drive me crazy?”

“Handily, the Army taught me how to get by with little sleep.”

I growled and walked faster when I spotted his Charger.

“Dammit, T.”

I ignored him. It was either that or I was going to sweep his feet out from under him and leave him on the piss-scented blacktop. And since I had to be in the car with him, that wouldn’t work for me.

Zane was sitting on the trunk in a yoga cross-legged pose, his eyes closed.

Damn man could meditate anywhere. I wished I had an ounce of his chill. Especially now with my nerves jangling and my annoyance level at an all-time high. The day had started out amazing and had quickly hit the crapper at epic levels.

Cooper caught up with me, his long fingers encircling my upper arm. “Would you just talk to me?”

“Talk? You were too busy,” I dropped my voice, “going for inappropriate kisses.”

“Well, I’ll agree that our kisses aren’t appropriate, but only because they immediately lead me to want to get you naked. Every time.”

I widened my eyes. “Dammit, he’s right there.”

“And he has good hearing.”

I spun around to find Zane with one eye open. “As if we didn’t know you left Purgatory to get naked? Please.”

“Would you get off my car, man?” Cooper demanded. He pulled his hand away from me to stuff them in his pockets.

Zane slid off the car. “Took you long enough. I thought the photogs were going to find the car.”

“Again, you’re welcome.”

Zane rolled his eyes. “Look, as much as I would normally enjoy this little lover’s tiff and you guys trying to hide your newly formed relationship, I’d really like to get home.”

“You need to call Lila.” Cooper’s voice was barely above a growl.

“I don’t want to. She’s going to literally kill me with those frosty eyes of hers.” Zane used two fingers to mime laser beams out of his eyes. “Dead.”

“More dead if she has to find you,” I quipped.
