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Ambience was also supposed to make this go down easier. As was my lack of a bra or even real clothes. I was sitting outside in his shirt and my panties and hoping like hell Cole steered far clear of us for the rest of the night like he’d done thus far. That was how committed I was to this cause.

Cooper had brought him some of our pizza. We didn’t want him to be hungry. We just really needed our privacy right now.

And it was time to face the very ominous music.

“I talked to Priscilla tonight. If she’s even Priscilla.”

Coop set down the last bit of his pizza. “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

I took a bolstering sip of wine. Then another. “I think we need more alcohol. I’ll go get it.”

He snagged my wrist before I could move. “Talk.”

I sagged back into my chair. “Remember how I said I don’t like it when you yell?”

“I’m not yelling.”


“My voice is remarkably low right now.”

“We’ll see how long it lasts.”

I finished my wine and had a moment to rue not having more in my glass before he leaned around the table. Saying nothing, he plucked me into his arms and deposited me in his lap like a bag of feed.

“Hi, what are you—oof.” My protest disappeared into his mouth as his lips covered mine, and his hand wound in my hair, still slightly damp from the shower. I didn’t consciously turn into him, but my body had a mind of its own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moaned softly as he slid his hand under my shirt—his shirt—to toy with my nipples. “You’re wine-flavored now,” I said between kisses. “Delicious.”

“It would be so easy to sweep these plates off and lay you out on this table.” He nuzzled my throat, his voice thick and sexy. “You’d point your toes toward the stars while I open you up and taste you.”

“Mmm, sounds good. Let’s just talk later.”

He lifted my head with his fingers still webbed in my hair and bit down on my lower lip. “Nice try, Daly.”

My eyes flashed open. “Are you trying to seduce the truth out of me? Because I’ll have you know I planned on seducing you not to be angry.”

He didn’t smile. The worry lines around his eyes only dug in deeper. “You’re keeping the truth from me again?”

“What do you mean again?” His raised brows made me shove his shoulder. That his hand was still busy under my shirt didn’t slow down either of us. “If you mean Pat—”

“Don’t say his name while my hands are on you.”

I shifted around on his lap so I could straddle him. Bumping up against his stiff cock outlined by his soft sweats was just a bonus. “I don’t want to say his name anytime. You’re the asshole who said too.” I leaned down to kiss him, drawing out the moment while he palmed my breasts, and I rocked against him to torture us both.

“Fine, okay, yeah, I’m still annoyed you didn’t trust me with him. I get it. I just don’t like it.”

I dragged my teeth over his full lower lip and along his beardy scruff. The rest of my skin that hadn’t been branded already would soon be on fire. But I liked wearing his marks. Including the ones on my wrist when he clamped his fingers there and lifted it to his mouth.

Watching me, he nipped the tender flesh of my inner arm. “You’re distracting me.”

“Ditto.” I blew out a breath and tugged down his shirt, reluctantly nudging away his hands. “I never lied to you. I just didn’t know how to talk about him. Then the more time we spent together, I wasn’t thinking about him anymore.” I searched Cooper’s eyes. “I think deep down, I was scared to think about you.”

He let out a long breath as I curled my hands around the back of his neck. “New technique to distract me?”

“No, it’s called being honest.” I leaned forward and rest

ed my cheek against his. “She called me. Priscilla.”

He gripped my shoulders and drew me back. “We need to get you a new number. New phone.”
