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“Not yet. We’re doing some renovations. And we’ll probably never live here full time, but with it being so close to Happy Acres, we’ll have family nearby for the kids.” She sighed. “As you can tell, I’m doing really great at the not getting my hopes up and taking things slowly.”

It felt good to smile. “I was just telling Cooper how we thought we’d be single cat ladies.”

“Yeah. Neither of us sat home on Saturday nights, but finding a forever someone is a different story than Mr. Right Now.”

“Ain’t that the truth. But music saved our bacon in more than one way.”

And may have brought chaos into our lives as well. But wasn’t that life? Bad with the good. Danger with the amazing sex, that may or may not soon involve chains.

I pressed my thighs together. That was a line of inquiry we’d definitely have to pursue later.

After possible arson and drugging and assorted other mayhem was handled.

“It did. How’s your place? Were you able to go by it yet to see the extent of the damage?”

“Yeah, we went over this afternoon. It’s a fucking mess. Some of my tapestries and other favorite things are destroyed.” I huffed out a breath. “The important thing is my place can be fixed, and there’s insurance. My instruments and some of my other stuff was in storage already, because I was about to do the remodel. Most of the rest is just things and can be replaced.” I picked at the edge of my thumbnail. “Didn’t stop me from melting down from seeing my belongings turned into ashes. Or so smoky that I could never use them or wear them again.”

“Aww, honey, that’s so awful. Losing your things like that is a gut punch, but I’m glad at least some of your most important items were in storage. Do they have any clue what happened yet?”

“Nothing definitive.” And I didn’t elaborate on our theories, because Ricki had enough on her plate right now.

r /> Besides, that was all we had at the moment. A whole lot of guesses and suppositions.

“You know you’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want. I know we hit the road in a few days, but even until then or between gigs—”

“Your husband finds me as annoying as mosquitoes.”

“That’s not true.” She sighed. “Well, really, he finds everyone annoying. Including me for multiple years. He was born grumpy.”

“I heard that,” came from the background, making us both laugh.

“Seriously, my place is yours. You gave me one to stay in when I was in a bad spot, and I’m happy to do the same. Not that we need that excuse to crash together. It’s been far too long since we’ve had an adult slumber party.”

“It has. Did I say I miss you? I do. Just hearing your voice makes me feel better.”

“Same. So, come sleep in my guest room, would you? I insist.”

I smiled. “I’d love to, but I’m staying with Cooper. His pad is like a hotel. Totally swanky.”

Understatement of my life.

“Cooper, huh? I saw an interesting photo today of you two outside the jail.”

“Oh, goody. Now the paps are focused on us too? I mean, it was only a matter of time.”

“You guys looked hot.”

“Hot?” I had to laugh. “Physically, sure. It’s humid as hell.”

“Hot for each other. So, what’s up there?”

“You know we’re close.”

“Uh-huh. Real close, apparently. Also, jail? What the hell happened? They mentioned Zane got into trouble. I wanted to call then, but I figured your phone was probably already blowing up.”

I could see Cooper moving around inside, his long, rangy body rippling with those sexy muscles I couldn’t get enough of. And if I wanted to tell my girlfriend how my life had changed—outside of Priscilla’s style of mayhem, which I’d get to—I’d better do it now.

“Yeah, some shit went down last night.” Hard to believe it was only a day ago. “But um, yeah, I kind of slept with Cooper.”
