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She screeched. “I knew it. I saw those naked vibes in the photo. You better spill.”

I laughed loud enough for Cooper to glance toward the patio with a grin. “It was totally unexpected.”

“Not by anyone with eyes. The guy is always looking at you like you’re a bowl of whipped cream.”

“No way.”

“Girl, yes way. Trust me. Now details. Let’s go. Don’t leave out a single orgasm.”

I leaned back in my chair, well aware that Cooper was still looking at me through the glass doors—and that I conveniently had on very tiny panties. He was standing at the counter typing away on his laptop and was obviously giving me privacy for my phone call, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t looking.

“Whipped cream,” I said under my breath. “Maybe I am clueless.”

“There’s no maybe. You clearly missed those signals big time. Probably because you were too busy swooning over Noah. Speaking of, ouch. Does Cooper know you had a thing for him?”

“Yeah. We talked about it. I explained it was a chemical reaction.”

“Oh, so being super horny for another dude cooled Cooper’s jets? Why didn’t I think of that?”

“So not the case. More like kinda horny. And believe me, I haven’t been thinking of Noah like that for a while now.”

“Good thing, since you have a new turbo engine to enjoy.”

A giggle rolled out of me. “God, I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’ll be in New York more often now. Even if you’re going to be round and pregnant and insanely happy, and I’ll be stupidly jealous.”

“Emphasis on round, especially if the twin thing actually happens.” She chuckled. “But I don’t care. I’ll be happy, regardless. I’ve wanted this for so long. And um, I still haven’t heard about those orgasms. What kind of stamina are we talking here?”

“V-8 horsepower?”

“How many times?”

The wine was making me a little fuzzy, and I’d actually lost count. “Multiple times. Even more multiple orgasms.”

“Starting last night?”

I grinned smugly despite her not being able to see me. “Yuh-huh.”

“Damn. You did good.”

“I know.” I sighed wistfully. “My only regret is not hopping on that stallion a year ago.”

“Been there, have the baseball cap. But it happens when it’s meant and not a minute sooner, no matter how we want to rush things along.”

“I know. And look how it turned out for you. Waiting was exactly right.”

“It was.” She paused. “You’re not rushing into anything, are you?”

I let out an uneasy laugh. “No?”

“You sound very sure.”

“It’s just a really intense time.”

“And all your emotions are heightened, and he’s a sexy guy who wants to sweep you away and protect you from all of it. I know how powerful that is.”

“Yeah. But you and Mal were different. You basically couldn’t stand each other. Coop and I… Well, we have this foundation. It has cracks here and there, and of course, there are things we’re just learning about each other, but most of it is rock solid. We spend time together all the time. He makes me laugh. And he accepts me as I am. Plus, he’s into music just as much as me and—”

