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Apparently the cops hadn’t raided Kink after all. If the club was still open, that meant Spencer might return. And if he returned and the delicious Nina returned, this time they just might return together.

Unless she was there to put a stop to it.

After agreeing to Alana’s offer, she clicked off and sighed. Great, now what? She’d have to a

sk Spencer to take her home. He couldn’t fault her dedication to her job.

She hurried downstairs and into the living room that spread out at the base of the stairs. From the strewn pillows and clothes piled on the coffee table, he’d spent the night on the couch. She’d expected him to be a neatnik but he clearly wasn’t. Newspapers and magazines overflowed the wicker basket beside the couch and a faint film of dust covered most surfaces. The plasma TV, however, was in pristine condition.

What did Spencer watch? Sports? The news channel? Porn?

With a soft snort, she swiveled to take in his space. Though airy and open, the room completely lacked personality. Everything matched but that wasn’t saying much. The brown couched paired well with the maroon leather recliner and the brown-and-red-checked carpet. She wrinkled her nose. Okay, that was seriously ugly. No wonder he thought she had a flare for design if he’d chosen something so ugh for his house.

She glanced back at the couch, noting the indents in the cushions. Cushions that were half hanging out, as if the person who’d dozed there hadn’t slept well. She smiled evilly. Good. She hoped his cock was so hard he couldn’t even move without remembering her wrapped around him.

Speaking of Spencer’s cock, where the hell was Spencer?

She wandered through the next room, a combination den and office. His desk was heaped with papers and folders. Atop the mess was a half-eaten bag of chocolate Twizzlers. She grinned and eased one out of the bag, twirling it between her fingers as she imagined him working late and noshing on candy. If she’d had to guess, she would’ve pegged him as a protein shake and steak stir-fry type of guy.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Her gaze drifted left and she gasped. A full wall of floor-to-ceiling cherry bookshelves dominated the room. Not even a speck of dust coated the worn volumes she hurried over to touch. He had classics mixed in with current favorites and his collection was as diverse as it was extensive. She glanced at the shelves above her head, picturing him stretching up on his toes to reach the high titles. Either he cleaned like a maniac in here or these books got a lot of use.

Kelly leaned forward and lightly thunked her head against a polished shelf. Dear God, she’d done it now. She’d not only found a man who tweaked her in all the right ways, but one who liked chocolate Twizzlers and curling up with Of Mice and Men. Or maybe not curling, per se, but still.

Oh yeah, her goose was charbroiled and ready for sandwich meat.

When she could bear to drag herself away from the nirvana that was his office, she walked into the small, overcrowded kitchen. Between the center island, the tiny breakfast table and the appliances, the room was crammed. She hadn’t noticed how tight the accommodations were last night but that was probably because she’d been so horny she hadn’t been able to see straight.

And that was after coming hard enough to turn her nonexistent panties inside out.

The note on the table caught her eye. How sweet. Then she picked up the piece of paper.

Went for a run. Don’t worry about locking up when you leave. I’ll be back soon.

She dropped the note and let out a large—and very fake—sniff. Being kind was definitely Spencer’s MO.

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass. C-ya.

He hadn’t considered she had no vehicle to leave with. Maybe he’d assumed she’d just walk five miles in the heels from hell. Why bother himself overmuch? He had more important things to do. Like run.

Kelly dug through her purse. She’d just call a damn cab. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long. And she’d make Spencer pay her damn fare.

She’d just flipped open her phone when her gaze landed on the keys still sitting dead center of the table. Car keys that belonged to the pretty Acura parked in the drive.

Humming, she snatched them up and tossed her purse over her shoulder. Maybe she wouldn’t be late after all.

* * * * *

She’d stolen his damn car.

Spencer stopped at the base of his driveway and stared at the place where his car had been an hour ago. Not even a spot of water from the A/C remained.

He bent at the knees and focused on his breathing. Though he habitually exercised in the morning, he didn’t usually run as if salvation waited at the end. He didn’t usually leave beautiful women alone all night in his bed either, but today was a day for firsts.

At least he knew if she’d taken his car, she couldn’t be warming up his sheets. Those long arms stretched above her head, leaving her breasts on display. Long legs spread wide, offering an unfettered view of her smooth pink pussy.

And did he really need to torture himself with images like that while he was already hard and ready and pissed?
