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Tony shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. This definitely qualified as the most awkward, painful conversation ever. “The man who, ah…” Struck? Disciplined? “Whipped you. He’s my best friend.”

She sucked in air. “Not the boy I always see you with here.”

“For a boy, he certainly seemed to affect you.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “What’s the appeal, if you don’t mind me asking? Do you get off on pain?”

Oh great, just the question he needed to be asking his boss. But he’d already stepped off the earth into surreality so why not go all the way?

Again she flicked him a dismissive glance. He was surprised her eyelashes weren’t starred with frost. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand. But you weren’t supposed to be there. None of you were. It was so late. I always make sure I never arrive before—” She pressed her lips together as if to stop herself from saying anything more. She’d already said plenty. “Now that you’ve delivered your message, you can go.”

Nodding, he turned for the door. He’d done his duty here, regardless of how it had been received. What happened between Marcia and Diana beyond this point wasn’t his concern, other than what he would need to do to support the woman he loved.

“Under ordinary circumstances I would say thank you for telling me,” Diana said to his back, “but I think you just may have ruined my life.”

“I didn’t ruin it.” He glanced back, considered her for a moment. Whatever Diana’s faults—and apparently they were legion—the obvious mask of strain she wore stirred his pity.

Marcia defended her family like a tigress. When she learned this latest tidbit about Diana, he could only imagine what she would do.

He almost felt sorry for Diana. Almost, but not quite.

“One piece of advice,” he said softly. “Maybe you ought to take the time to learn the boy’s name. Just in case.”

With that, he shut the door.

* * * * *

“He keeps leaving messages. What should I do?”

Marcia rubbed the knot of pressure in her forehead and prayed for serenity. Today had been a six-Advil day and it wasn’t over yet.

“That depends on you. You’re certain you don’t want to see him again?”

“We have nothing in common. He’s Mr. Big Shot and I’m a bakery manager. Why would he want to see me again?”

Leigh’s protests had gotten weaker. Had Adam somehow wormed his way into her psyche after all?

“Your rack,” Marcia said, tired of playing games. Tired of being nice. The bitch inside her wanted to rage against God and country, pound her chest and cry her eyes out. Three things she wouldn’t do.

“That makes sense,” Leigh said thoughtfully, spurring a laugh Marcia hadn’t anticipated.

“Kid, you confuse the hell out of me. Adam’s leaving town in a couple days. Bone him and presto, your orgasm problem will be solved. You won’t have to ever see him again.”

“You’re really sure he can deliver in that department?”

“Want me to offer a money-back guarantee?”

“Okay, what the hell. I’ll call him back. Maybe he won’t be so annoying tonight. And I do still have a problem.”

“Don’t we all,” Marcia muttered, not wanting to hear any more about Leigh’s lack of orgasms or her brother’s potential at providing them. “Good luck. And please, for the love of all that’s holy, do not call me again unless I tell you otherwise.”

Instead of taking offense, Leigh laughed. “Can I have your email address?”

“No. Good night. And good luck.” Marcia smiled as she clicked off.

The smile faded immediately as she took in the state of her empty apartment. Her couch was littered with books and papers and more than one candy wrapper. She’d had a hell of a day. Along with suffering through a headache that wouldn’t die, she’d toiled through the beginning of her book. No matter what she tried, the words wouldn’t come. And now, it wasn’t only because she was severely intimidated by the blank page.

Diana had sunk her talons into another man she loved. Goddamn it.

She pressed her fingertips against her closed eyes and felt the nerves jump. What was she supposed to do? Step aside and let Cale do whatever he needed to? Beg him to stay far, far away from the heartless bitch who had ripped out her brother’s heart once then returned a second time to try to ruin his life?
