Page 16 of Going Deep

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“Yeah? There’s panties too.” Could that really be her, sounding so flirty and relaxed?

She liked this new version of herself. She hoped she stuck around a while. Preferably all night long.

“You’ll have to show them to us.” Colt slid his hands under the bodice of her dress, easing it back down with a stealth she had to appreciate it. His teeth claimed her earlobe. “Later. Much later.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she said shakily as Drake approached to help draw the material away from her body. Had the record shut off already or was her heartbeat just too loud for her to hear anything else?

Her thong disappeared as fast at her dress. The appreciative noises they made at the sight of her in it would be stored in her memory vault forever, thank you very much. Colt pressed close to her back while Drake’s heat blanketed her front. It was a surreal experience for them to be fully dressed and for her to be completely naked. She hadn’t even noticed Colt pulling up his pants, but the obvious outline of his belt—and the growing ridge beneath—dug into her backside. In front, Drake lightly pulsed his hips into hers, letting her feel the column in his jeans.

Holy shit, could she really do this?

“You’re gorgeous.” Drake’s voice skated along her oversensitized nerve endings, making her skin seem too hot and tight to hold the riot of emotions and sensations beneath. His hand cupped her cheek as he smiled into her eyes. “Thank you for being with us tonight.”

“The pleasure’s mine.” At Colt’s chuckle, she grinned. “I mean, you’re welcome. And thank you too. Both of you.”

“Oh, I think you have that wrong.” Colt’s big hands came up to cover her breasts and they both groaned. “It’s our pleasure, darlin’. All ours.” He tweaked her nipples, twisting them between our fingers. “What say we move this to the bed?”

She nodded and eased out from between them to rush over to the bed. In her haste, she nearly tripped over the pair of heels tipped over on the rug. She glanced back. Oh hell, those were the shoes she’d worn tonight, and she hadn’t even been aware of kicking them off. She had no idea what shape she’d be in later.

After tugging back the bedspread and sheets, she clambered up onto the pedestal bed, well aware that it wasn’t the best angle for her ass. But Drake only slapped it lightly and make another of those appreciative noises, bringing a smile to her face she couldn’t hide. She reclined against the pillows and patted the bed on either side of her hips. “Gentlemen.”

They both kicked off their shoes, then Drake climbed in first, shifting to her far side. Colt slid in next, their movements practiced and easy. Even if they hadn’t told her they’d done this before, she would’ve guessed. They didn’t share her nerves, that was for sure.

“We won’t be gentlemen tonight.” Colt brushed back her hair to nuzzle her neck. “You’ll beg us not to be.”

She shivered as Drake slid up against her opposite side and palmed her breast, rubbing his thumb over the stiff tip. He teased his lips along the underside of her jaw, sliding upward to seize her mouth. This kiss was different from his others. There was no slow seduction, just the hot drive of his tongue against hers. He toyed with her breast and Colt did the same with the other. A moment later, a pair of strong lips closed around her nipple and she arched, moaning into Drake’s mouth. He only kissed her harder, slanting his head so that she was consumed by the pressure and intent of his kisses.

If they were doing that subtle competition thing again, she had absolutely no problems with it.

She was so wrapped up in him that she was barely aware of her thighs being separated, and the slight flow of cool air from the ceiling fan blowing over her where she burned. Colt’s fingers against her swollen flesh were a shock, and she gas

ped, reaching up to dig her nails into Drake’s shoulders. One finger rubbing against her turned into two, manipulating her clit in short strokes. She chased the sensation, circling her hips. Kissing Drake with all the breath she had left.

Somehow Drake managed to coordinate the slip and slide of his tongue to the languorous movements of Colt’s fingers. Colt’s ministrations sped up as he gathered her wetness and used it to ease his path inside her body. He used one finger at first, then two, rocking them in and out at the same time his lips again found her aching nipple. Drake broke free long enough to drag in a breath then he clasped her other nipple between his teeth, pulling hard.

The twin distractions had her so occupied that she almost missed Drake’s hand sliding lower too. He parted her thighs farther and joined the action, smoothing his broad thumb over her clit again and again while Colt used those stupidly strong fingers to shove her close to an orgasm in record time. She gripped the sheets in both fists, trying to fight it, but it was no use. The wall of pleasure broke over her and she bowed up from the bed, gasping as the spasms enveloped her body.

“Goddamn, baby, you’re beautiful,” Drake murmured. “Look at how wet you get.”

Part of her wondered if she should be embarrassed. Hell no. She was enjoying this, and she’d be damned if she hid any of her reactions. When it came to how drenched they’d made her, she couldn’t. Didn’t want to.

They didn’t give her a chance to come down from the high before Drake sat back on his heels and undid his shirt. Her eyes widened as the tattoos beneath his button-down shirt became visible. He wore a tank beneath that he quickly stripped off, revealing the swirling black ink on his chest and down his right arm. It was practically a full sleeve. He moved on to undo his jeans, tugging them and his boxer briefs down so fast that she had no time to prepare for the sight of his cock. It was thicker than Colt’s, but not as long—and just as luscious. The head looked tight and painful, edging toward purple. A drop of pre-cum hesitated on the tip before sliding down his length, and she couldn’t stop herself from rearing forward to catch it with her fingertip.

She licked her finger and he made a strangled sound in his throat, his focus riveted on her mouth. “You going to suck me like you did him, sweetheart? Let me come in your throat?”

Her nod was quick and eager, and he smiled. “How about on those pretty tits of yours?”

Though she’d never let a man do that before—it had never really come up—here and now she wanted to. For both of them. She nodded again, her gaze drifting to Colt. Apparently he’d decided to get naked as well and had already shed his dress shirt. He had ink too, but not as much. Just some phrase in Latin she didn’t recognize along his side and an intricate band around his left biceps. No matter, all that ink over their glistening sunbaked skin was enough to make her swallow hard. The muscles bunching and shifting beneath added one more nail into her metaphorical coffin.

Sweet Mary, they were delicious. And for tonight, they were all hers.

Drake tugged his pants and boxers off the rest of the way, while Colt leaned back to do the same. Before Colt set aside his pants, he pulled out his wallet and withdrew a handful of condoms, tossing them on the bed as if they were confetti. Her eyes went wide at the sheer number and her men laughed, crawling around her and caging her in.

“Too much for you, darlin’?” Colt wound a lock of her hair around his fingers, using it to tug her face up to his. “And here I haven’t even licked that sweet pussy yet.” His mouth was on hers before she summoned a response.

How did they know she loved dirty talk? Not that she’d ever been on the receiving end of much in her lackluster sexual history, but the few times lovers had gone there in her past she’d loved it. And none of those men had been these two, mastering her body and her reactions with little effort.

It was as if they’d been custom-made to her specifications. One man sweeter, one darker and dirtier. Then they’d switch roles and confuse the hell out of her, which she liked just as much. They kept her off-balance. Breathless with excitement.
