Page 20 of Going Deep

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The sound she made was more animal than human. She scrambled up, shoving the guys’ arms and legs and other parts—whoa, hello, morning wood—off her body. “Get up, get up!”

“Wha?” Colt’s arm flopped to his side and he burrowed deeper into the pillows. “Sleeping. Fuck off.”

She might’ve laughed at his grumbling if not for the imminent crisis ahead. Namely, likely discovery by some important people to her before she’d even begun to process the previous night.

“Get up, jerk. Now. You too,” she adding, shifting to rouse Drake as well. He’d tossed an arm over his face and seemed no more willing to move than his best friend. “Come on. We’re late.”

“Late for what?” Drake mumbled. “It’s the weekend. Sleep in.” He reached for her and pulled her back against his side without opening his eyes. “Fuck in.”

Her nipples immediately went to points. Damn traitorous body. Controlling her hormones was already becoming a problem around these two, and the damn things got her in all kinds of trouble.

Like right now, when all she wanted was to dive in and go for the next round.

“Uh-uh, gotta get up. We have to go get our trucks.” She wiggled away from Drake only to roll over into Colt’s hard, immovable chest. His sleepy gold eyes peered out at her from under the dense fringe of his lashes. “Up,” she said weakly.

“Definitely up,” he agreed, taking her hand and pressing it to his hard length. He wasn’t just on his way to aroused; he’d done the first lap and was about to bring it all home. “Who cares about our trucks?” He licked the side of her throat, then bit hard enough to make her pussy contract. Hot damn. “They’ll wait.”

“No, they won’t.” Panic seized her and she flailed around, trying to find a way to get them moving. “Besides, don’t you guys have chores? The horses and all?”

“We have ranch hands, baby. We’re not strictly a two-man operation.” Drake cupped her breast and flicked her stiffening nipple. “Only when we’re in this bed with you.”

In a flash, she grew wet. All right, fine, wetter, because wetness was not a problem when it came to being near these two.

“Wade and Charli are leaving on their honeymoon today,” she said quietly, hating to ruin the lazy warm perfection of this moment with a painful dose of reality. But someone had to. All good times had to come to an end, and theirs had just reached its expiration point. “I need to get to the store. Luckily Marisol opened today, but Charli or I—or both of us—are always there by nine and it’s already past that.”

Colt slid back, but Drake merely continued caressing her breast.

“She’s right,” he said after a minute. “If we don’t go get those trucks soon, people will talk. Hell, they probably are already. Lord knows no one bothers to keep anything on the down low in this town.” He swished off the sheet that had tangled around his legs and stalked off to the en suite bathroom. The door clicked shut a moment later.

Paige closed her eyes and sighed. “Sorry.” She couldn’t keep the ruefulness from her voice.

“Not your fault. Not mine either. It’s a tough situation, but I still think he’s more worried than he has cause to be.”

“And I suppose I am too?”

“I don’t know. Are you?”

His reasonable tone rankled, just a little. “Charli’s my best friend. When I moved to Quinn to take over the grain store from my granddad, she was my first friend. Even now that I’ve been here a while, people still see me as ‘that Yankee’. Not sure I want to rock the boat and be part of some small-town scandal.” She gestured toward the bathroom. “Add in being scared shitless about causing her a moment’s concern or unhappiness over the whole Colt thing, and you gotta see why it’s…awkward.”

“Char’s remarried. Happily so.”

“Yes, but there’s a rule. You never sleep with your friend’s ex. It’s written in blood somewhere and signed in Ben & Jerry’s.”

“Oh, right. You mean like there’s a rule you don’t marry your ex’s brother?”

Paige didn’t reply.

“You fall for who you fall for, baby.” When she shot him a sharp glance, he rubbed his thumb over her nipple, his new fixation. “Hook up with who you hook up with. It’s a chemical thing and not completely explainable. Charli will have to understand.”

“No, she doesn’t have to understand. That’s the part you’re not getting. She might say she does, but really deep down she might see me as some kind of—”

He covered her lips with his finger. “You’re a sweet, wonderful, sexy-as-fuck woman. One who’s incredible at running a business and just as amazing in bed.”

Her lips curved. “I think you’re a wee bit biased.”

“Nah. Just honest.” He slanted his mouth over hers, and she forgot all about morning breath and worry about her bestie and gave herself over to his kiss.

She could so get used to this.
