Page 36 of Going Deep

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“If you’re talking about football, it wasn’t just because I got hurt. I wasn’t the standout I’d been in high school.” He stared out at the sunset as darker clouds began to filter into all the pink and gold. Night overtaking day. “Sometimes desire isn’t enough.”

“And sometimes it’s everything. You ever think that maybe you didn’t want football as much as you’d told yourself?”

Yeah, he had thought that. He sure as hell derived more enjoyment walking Misty around the paddock or helping the Daniels girls learn how to ride Jessup. Working with animals—and Drake and Miss Emmy—brought him more satisfaction than tossing the ol’ rawhide ever had.

“And maybe the reason you had trouble taking the same path others took was because it was never meant for you.”

“Let me guess. Now you’re saying I should embrace the whole threesome thing and to hell with everyone who thinks I’m nothing but an indiscriminate manwhore.” Colt laughed drily, though he didn’t think it was funny.

“That’s not your problem. Your problem is you think you’re an indiscriminate manwhore. Be honest now.” Coach sat up straight and gripped his shoulder. “You don’t give two shits what the biddies in town have to say. You only care because it’s what you really think.”

“You know, you’re entirely too smart. It’s fairly annoying.” Colt grinned and slapped Coach on the knee. “Sure you don’t want to put me to work? I’m willing to do just about anything that doesn’t involve the oven and a mixing bowl.”

“Nah, the day’s done, and my Lorelie and I have a date to watch some Game of Thrones.”

“Wow, y’all like the bloodthirsty stuff.”

“You know it.” Coach clapped his back and stood up. “You can do me one favor, though.”

Colt rose as well. “Will it hurt?”

“Maybe.” The other man met his eyes levelly. “Don’t pretend you’re fine with the status quo if you’re not. We won that championship because we all reached for the brass ring. It takes everyone on the team to get somewhere.”

“So you’re telling me to go for it.”

“I’m telling you to stop pussyfooting around and get off the damn fence. Go after what you want, son. Go after it with everything you have. And if it doesn’t work out, at least you have some great memories and the knowledge you didn’t run.” Coach scratched his chest. “Speaking of running, I smell some blueberry muffins calling my name from inside. Lorelie just made a batch. Want some for the road?”

“No, I’m good. Thank you.” Colt smiled and reached out to give Coach a quick hug. “I guess I needed that pep talk.”

“I could tell as soon as I saw you. Lord knows you never ask for anything. Just like that stubborn brother of yours.” He gave Colt a light shove down the steps. “Go on now, go. Go make me proud.”

Colt tipped his head at the other man and went back down the steps to his truck. He knew exactly where he was headed.

God help all three of them.

* * *

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Paige said, holding up her dress as she picked her way along the weeds and brush that grew on the banks of the Gulch.

“Hmm. I think I remember you saying that to me last weekend too,” Drake teased.

Even though he couldn’t see her face in the darkness, she flushed. “I’m not like you and Colt.”

She cursed under her breath. She was trying so hard not to notice his absence—and not to remind Drake of it—but they both kept mentioning him every few minutes. Colt not being there felt wrong. Not because she wasn’t immensely enjoying Drake’s company—she was—and not because she was so greedy one man wasn’t enough—okay, so maybe there was a little greed going on there too. But the main reason was that in one night, they’d established themselves as a triad. Any one of those pieces missing just seemed weird.

“Meaning?” Drake asked, unfolding the plaid blanket from the back of her truck and spreading it out on the bank.

“Meaning I don’t do the threesome thing. Well, to be honest, I don’t even much do the sex thing either.” She bit her lip, and glanced out over the bubbling creek. It wasn’t that wide, but it was a good size for swimming. Charli and Wade had spoke of cooling off here. And Colt loved it—

Colt, Colt, Colt. Sheesh, could she just get him out of her head for a little while?

“If that’s true, you must be a natural then.” Drake camped out on the blanket and grinned up at her as he kicked out his legs.


“At sex. If you really don’t have much of it, which is a damn shame.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks heated again as she gingerly sat down beside him on the blanket. It was warm, edging toward hot, and the sun had set about half an hour ago. Darkness cloaked the trees and water lightly, but enough to offer them some privacy. The nearest neighbors weren’t close by anyway, and other than the possibility of the Bennetts happening upon them, they should be fairly safe. As long as they weren’t too loud.
