Page 42 of Going Deep

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“But why’s it called a gulch then?” She blew her wet hair out of her mouth. “Technically a gulch isn’t —”

“Shut up,” he said, closing his mouth over hers.

“Cheater,” she said with a grin between kisses. She glanced over Colt’s shoulder at the bank. “Come in and play with us. The water’s perfect.” She frowned. “Though I probably screamed, huh?”

“Wasn’t the first time tonight.” Colt laughed and she slugged him in the stomach. She tried to wriggle away and he clamped his arms around her waist and kissed her soundly enough that she stopped struggling.

And started sighing.

“Jerk. I just meant your parents probably heard me.”

He lifted a brow. “It was loud, yeah, but not loud enough to carry all the way to San Antonio.”

“San Antonio?” She glared at Drake as he paddled over to them. “You fibber. You told me we had to be quiet.”

“I thought you’d enjoy the thrill of possible discovery.” Drake shrugged. “Some people do.”

“By Colt’s parents, though? Hell no.” Paige’s disgusted expression made Colt laugh harder.

“Damn, you’re cute.”

“Pfft. You’re both jerks.” She shook her head, the movement sending water sprinkling over her cheeks like tears.

The image struck Colt hard. Fuck, he hoped it wasn’t a premonition.

“You’re right. We need to make up for our jerkiness somehow.” He pressed his mouth to her wet ear and bit down. Her rumble of pleasure made his cock stir. “How do you feel about doggy-style, darlin’?”

“Good question.” Drake slid his arm around her waist and licked the other side of her throat. “While I fuck you, you can suck Colt’s cock like you did mine earlier. You want to make him come in your mouth like I did, don’t you, baby?”

His low, hypnotic voice was even working on Colt. Damn.

She nodded, her eyelids going to half-mast. “I like taking both of you at once.” Her eyes flew open. “I mean….”

“We know what you mean.” Colt kissed her softly before dragging her lower lip between his teeth. Her eyes flickered open and met his once more. “But we’ll change your mind.”

She splashed him and chuckled. “Dirty boy.”


“Both dirty boys,” she said, including Drake in that statement.

“You know it.”

“And you’re our dirty girl.” Colt tangled his hands in her hair and tipped her head back until he could see every nuance of her expression. She might balk at any time. If so, at least he’d know where they stood. “Aren’t you?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”


“That’s a fifty-pound bag of our Jensen corn and sunflower mixture. Is that correct?” Paige doodled on the corner of her pad. Monday was off to a rip-roaring start. “Sure, we can have someone deliver it at lunchtime.” She straightened, realizing Mrs. Maddox’s farm was right up the street from C&D Horse Training. “Actually, I can deliver it for you. What time is good?”

“Noon would be perfect, dear. Are you sure you can handle it?”

“Oh sure. That’s cake.” Besides, the possibility of unscheduled afternoon nookie would give her additional strength, she was certain. “Can I bring you anything else while I’m at it?”

“Well, if you’re coming out anyway…”

By the time she got off the phone with sweet Mrs. Maddox, she’d agreed to haul out three fifty-pound bags of seed, a couple bags of compost, a few more packages of oats for her horse and a couple of other odds and ends. She might have to have their stockboy, Curtis, come with her, unless she could wrestle up some help from her afternoon nookie partners. Assuming they could
