Page 46 of Going Deep

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His brow furrowed. “You’re pissed at me too? Why?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Because you kissed her first. Because she’s your ex and I’m jealous in spite of how dumb and wrong it is.” She sighed. “Because you kissed her first,” she repeated, needing him to know the truth. It shamed her, but she had to say it.


“Seriously, Colt, I’m starting to think you have a hearing problem.” She shifted away to the utility sink, carting one of the vases with her.

“No, more like a thinking one. It never occurred to me I shouldn’t kiss her.”

Paige turned on the water.

“Hang on, wait.” He reached over and turned off the faucet. “It never occurred to me that I shouldn’t kiss her cheek, because it’s just something I do. It doesn’t require thought. It’s just a thing I do with a friend.”

“She’s not your friend, she’s your ex-wife.” When she reached for the faucet again, his hand closed over hers on the spigot.

“She’s my sister-in-law now. Did you forget that part?”

“No.” Paige blew out a breath that ruffled her bangs and stared out the little window that looked out to the side parking lot. “I’m being a sensitive Sally, and I hate that. I’m normally so good about keeping my emotions in check, and lately they’re just busting out all over.”

He moved behind her. “Not all that’s busting out. Look at these.” His finger skimmed her neckline as he nibbled on her ear. “I wish I could pull down this dress and suck your gorgeous tits right here.”

She flushed and elbowed him, more than a little dismayed at the giggle that slipped out. Was that all he had to do to get her to forget her concerns? Tell her he liked her…tits?

Probably. And she didn’t know what that made her. A ditzy female. A ditzy female who’d gotten swept up and was falling for—

Nope, she was not falling for anyone. She was just enjoying the good thing they had going, until it wasn’t good anymore. Simple. Easy.

No drama in sight.

“Hey, look at me.” He turned her around to face him and cupped her face in one hand. The other still clutched the energy bar. “I came here for you. I wanted to say hello to her, and wish her well, but that’s because I care about her. Like a friend,” he stressed. “Kissing her isn’t anything but a pleasantry. With you, however…” He rubbed his thumb over Paige’s lower lip. “A kiss is enough to make me harder than steel.”

She smiled weakly. That’s all she wanted. To make him hard. To get all the orgasms she could stand and give just as many back in return.

Her conversation with Sadie filled her head. Sadie wasn’t confused about what she wanted. She wasn’t looking for forever, just for right now. The moment was all that mattered.

That was a good

attitude, one she’d cultivate if it killed her. She’d gotten off to a strong start in that area, now she just had to bring it all home.

And stop letting pesky wittle feelings distract her from her goal of pleasure, pleasure and more pleasure.

“Is that so?” She glanced over his shoulder at the closed door, ensuring Charli wasn’t going to charge back into the room and make the day even more of a horror. Then she reached down to cup his cock, discovering he was indeed stiff and ready to go. “That reminds me. I was hoping to stop by for lunch today.” She leaned up on her tiptoes to brush her mouth over his Adam’s apple. “Turns out last night wasn’t quite enough to satisfy me.”

“Oh no?” He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “We can’t have that. Yes, stop by for lunch.” He reached down to rub her ass. “Hell, stay right through dinner. We’ll make you our feast.”

She lowered her lashes. “Why, Mr. Bennett, that sounds naughty.”

“Damn straight.” He nuzzled her neck. “Work can wait.”

“Speaking of work, I need some manual labor this afternoon. Don’t suppose you or Drake could—”

“Eat your pussy until you scream? Absolutely.” At her stern face, he laughed. “Sorry. That’s not labor anyway. Manual labor, you say?”

“Yes. I need to take a delivery to Mrs. Maddox at noon.”

“I’ll be back to pick you up then.” He pressed the energy bar into her hand. “Eat this. You’re going to need your strength.”

With a wink, he was gone.
