Page 74 of Going Deep

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vocal cords were rubbing together. “I want to try.”

“Don’t try. Do it. No half-assing this, Bennett,” Char said sternly, still holding her husband’s hand. “You’re capable of being the man you want to be. You just have to stop giving yourself the easy out.” She glanced at Wade. “When it’s right, there are no outs, no matter how tough it gets. You don’t want any.”

“Yeah.” Bracing his elbows on his knees, he dipped his head and gripped it when it spun. At least his stomach was level now. “I don’t. I really fucking don’t.”

“Then tell them that. Prove it to them.” Wade smiled. “Time to blitz ’em and take ’em down.”

Colt nodded, smiling in spite of himself. Then he blew out a breath. “You really—you really don’t see me any differently now?”

“Yes, I do.” Char waited a beat before releasing Wade to squeeze between the seats to try to give Colt an awkward one-armed hug. “You’re braver and more amazing than I ever gave you credit for. I’m sorry for that.”

“Don’t be. I didn’t give myself much credit either.” He returned her hug, then she wiggled back into the front seat. He glanced at his brother. Wade was smiling, probably marveling at how his tiny wife had managed to fit into the narrow room between the seats. “What about you?” he asked quietly.

“I always looked up to you before. Tonight you gave me the best reason to.” Wade glanced at the space Charli had just wriggled through. “Not gonna happen, though. Consider yourself hugged.”

Colt laughed. “Thanks, man. Thank you both.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Guess I better go inside to sleep it off before I go find them.”

“Probably a good idea.” Wade finally turned off the car, taking away the blissfully cool A/C, and unlocked the doors. “I’d recommend a lot of rest. You’re probably going to need it.”

Colt pushed open the door and stepped out. Amazingly he didn’t topple over. There was hope for him yet. “I think you’re right.”

He went inside with them, checking his phone just in case. No messages. No surprise there. He set his phone on the table in the foyer. He’d have to work at getting this one in the end zone.

After saying goodnight and offering another round of thanks, he gratefully headed into the guest bedroom Char had made up with fresh sheets. He stripped and fell into the bed without even taking a shower. That was for tomorrow, before he saw them again. He’d make sure he didn’t smell like a two-bit drunk. If he looked presentable and sounded semi-coherent, maybe they’d believe him when he told them how he felt. He’d come up with the perfect speech and win them over again.

It wouldn’t be too late. It couldn’t be.

* * *


The rough hand on his shoulder shook him out of sleep. He fought it off, not ready to wake up from his dream. It involved Paige and Drake and there was a healthy amount of nudity involved. And warm chocolate syrup.

“Colt. Get up.”

He opened one eye at Wade’s urgent voice, ready to tell him to screw off. Nicely, since he was in his house and all. But jeez, couldn’t a guy sleep off a good drunk in peace anymore?

Then he saw Wade’s expression and shot straight up in bed, ignoring the dizzy revolutions of his head. “What? What is it? What happened?”

“Paige and Drake never showed up to meet Mr. Dunston last night. He just called your phone. According to Dunston, Drake had indicated he’d be there soon.” While Colt tried to process, Wade continued. “Dunston’s wife got discharged early from the hospital but he’s afraid to leave since Drake was supposed to be there to get the horse.” He swallowed hard. “We can’t reach Drake.”

“Hollie brought Paige’s purse.” Charli stepped up behind him, her eyes grave. And damp. “She forgot it on the couch at the party. Her cell’s still in it.”

He tore off the sheets and got to his feet, belatedly realizing he was still naked. No time to worry about it. Wasn’t like he’d flashed anything either of them hadn’t seen before. He yanked on his boxers and jeans, then he shoved his feet into his shoes and fumbled for his watch. From the weak sunshine streaming into the room, it wasn’t that early.

Past six. They should’ve been there hours ago.

Fucking hours ago.

“Maybe they had engine problems.” He paced, grabbing his shirt as he went. “Maybe they hit a deer or—”

Or maybe they were hurt or dead, lying in a ditch somewhere. Jesus.

“You’re probably right.” Wade’s voice was calm and even. The voice of someone trying to convince his brother of something he wasn’t sold on himself. “Could’ve been a million reasons they haven’t made it there yet.”

“Drake would never leave that horse stranded. Never leave a customer in the lurch, especially not one already worried about his sick wife. Not unless something more important took his attention.”

