Page 78 of Going Deep

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She laughed and gave in to her urge to come around the booth and shove in beside him. She’d spent so much time with him lately, and even having a table between them made him way too far away. “Where are they now?”

Drake looped his arm around her shoulders and glanced out the big picture window beside their table. “He said they were near here. Just past Burton, I guess? I still don’t understand why he had to come all this way.”

She bit her lip, studying the window. “He shouldn’t be driving after last night.”

“He’s not. That’s why he has Wade and Charli with him.”

Together, they watched the window.

Not fifteen minutes later, a black truck that Paige recognized as Wade’s barreled into Motel 6’s parking lot. The instant it squealed to a stop, Colt shot out of the backseat and stomped over to Drake’s truck, slamming his hand against it as if he was enraged.

“He better watch those fenders,” Drake said, amused.

Neither of them made a move.

When Colt threw up his hands and stalked in a circle around Charli and Wade, who had now made it out of the vehicle, Paige giggled.

“He looks really mad. We should tell him we’re here.”

“I said next to Motel 6. Not my fault he’s having kittens.”

She leaned her head on his shoulder. “You’re a bad man. Gotta say I like it.”

Charli appeared to be trying to reason with Colt. At the same time, Drake’s phone went off again. “Okay, okay.” He sighed and nudged Paige out of the booth. “Let’s go take pity on the jerk.”

She ran out the diner door and threw up her arms. “Hey. Hey. We’re over here.” She started jogging across the lot, aware that Drake was keeping pace beside her.

Colt stopped raging and turned to stare their way as if he was stunned. Then he ran toward them and caught Paige in his arms, kissing her hard enough that he knocked the wind out of her and possibly dislocated her spinal column.

Not that she was complaining.

“Never again,” he said between kisses, running his hands over her from the top of her head to her shoulders and on down her back. He cupped her ass, holding her tight to him as his mouth devoured hers. “You hear me? Never again.”

“No, no, never again. I promise.” She didn’t know what in the sweet heck he was talking about, but she didn’t really care because hands. Lips. Yes, please.

He dropped her to her feet, leaving her wobbling like a wound-up top, and glared at Drake at her side. “You too. Do you understand me? Never again. Never.”

Drake wasn’t quite so easily swayed. He hooked a thumb in his belt loop and raised a brow. “Mind telling me what we’re never supposed to do again?”

“Never leave me again.” Colt grabbed Drake’s shirtfront. “Now shut the hell up and kiss me.” He slammed his mouth down on Drake’s.

Paige clasped her hands together, bouncing up on her toes as they ravaged each other. Hot damn, this was turning into the best day of her life.

“Girl, you sure surprise me.”

Paige dragged her attention from the yummy male banquet in front of her to her best friend. Her eyes immediately grew wet. “Charli.” She ran forward and they hugged, rocking back and forth while sniffling and offering up apologies.

Wade watched the whole scene with an alternating expression of curiosity and confusion.

Paige understood completely.

Charli pulled back and cupped her cheeks. “I only want what’s best for you, I swear. And if it’s them—and it really seems like it is—then girl, you have my blessing. All of my blessings.”

Tears dripped down Paige’s cheeks. “Thank you. I know this is hard for you—”

“No, not so much. Just had to work out my dumb jealousy thing and now we’re good.” She leaned in close and whispered in Paige’s ear, “Colt thought you guys were missing and might be hurt. I’ve never seen him so worried. He lost his mind.” She eased back and smiled, reaching down to take Paige’s hands. “I did too. I love you so much. Let’s not fight again ever. Especially not about stupid boys.”

“Really stupid boys,” Paige agreed, moving in to hug her again. “Thank you. And oh God, I love you too.”
