Page 79 of Going Deep

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“What’s that about stupid boys?”

Paige let out a yelp as Colt snatched her away from Charli and slid his arm around her waist. He’d wrapped his other arm around Drake’s waist. “Pretty sure you’re fond of us,” Colt said against Paige’s ear.

“Pretty sure you’re right.” She gazed up at him and glanced toward Drake. “I might even love you.”

“Hmm. Seems like we’ll have to work on making that ‘might’ into something more definite,” Drake murmured, coming around so they formed a circle. “Seeing as we already love you.”

“Is that true?” she asked Colt, though she really didn’t need to.

Everything she needed to see was right there in his expression, as plain as the sun in the sky.

“Hell yes, it’s true. You’ve both hooked me, line and sinker.”

She laughed. “Sounds painful.”

He lifted a brow and glanced downward. “At times, absolutely.”

The sound of footsteps made their circle widen, but they didn’t release each other. Wade stepped closer and grinned. “I hate to interrupt this, but I gotta say, brother, when you go big, you go huge.”

“Yeah,” Paige agreed, grinning up at them. “First it took me almost getting struck for you to make a move. Then today, you thought we were in a ditch somewhere. What will it take for you to put a ring on it? A natural disaster?”

She started to take it back, to tell him it was a joke. It honestly was. She was just happy. Insanely, ridiculously happy.

Her rainbow had a pot o’ gold, all right, and it was overflowing.

But Colt only waggled his brows. “You never know, darlin’. Just never know.”


Storm warning, Quinn, Texas, April 9, 2016.

Watch for potentially dangerous winds, hail and possible funnel clouds. Take shelter when necessary.

From where he was sprawled in their bed, Colt figured he had the best view in the universe. Paige wore nothing but a thin, gauzy nightie thing that barely skimmed her thighs and her hair was long and loose. Drake was lying lengthwise at the other end of the bed, naked, his head propped on his hand and a lazy smile on his face as he studied Paige.

“You going to stand there and watch out that window all night, darlin’?” Colt asked, kicking the sheets off his bare legs. “Because you’re wanted over here.”

She finally dragged herself away from the window. “Sorry. Storms freak me out.”

“Really? I love them. Especially now.” Colt swung his legs over the side of the bed and drew her closer, bringing her hand to his mouth. A brand new, shiny interlocked silver band sat on her fourth finger, similar to the one on his hand and on Drake’s.

He sure hadn’t planned it that way, but a possible natural disaster really was looming the day they’d had their small commitment ceremony with just a few family and close friends.

Paige’s parents and older brother had flown in from New York, as had Drake’s parents from North Carolina. Colt’s parents and his sister, brother, and Charli had also all attended. Early on, there had been the usual concerns about such a union, mostly from Colt’s parents, but everyone had eventually come around. Mostly, minus the occasional off-color remarks from Paige’s brother. Paige’s mother had been more concerned about Paige wearing a dress that made her look “svelte” than about her daughter having two husbands.

Drake and Colt had barely managed to hold their tongues, though they had made sure to inform Mrs. Wilcox that Paige was absolutely gorgeous just as she was.

Technically, it wasn’t a wedding—polygamy wasn’t yet legal in Texas, and they weren’t about to hav

e Paige marry one of them then pretend it counted for both—but it was a commitment. As far as Colt was concerned, he couldn’t do any better than pledging to these two people that he would love them as long as he had breath in his body.

Luckily they’d also pledged the same damn thing.

“You’re biased.” She curled her fingers around his and held out her other hand to Drake, inviting him into their circle.

The way it was always meant to be.

“Maybe a little bit, yeah. But c’mon. Thunder booming outside while we said all kinds of good stuff, then getting pelted with rain instead of confetti.” He tugged up her nightgown and pressed his lips to her belly. She was not wearing panties, one more reason out of many he loved her so. “You gotta admit, pretty awesome day, all in all.”
