Page 8 of Going Deep

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They were just too…well, male. In her store, the way they ranged and loomed around her was bad enough. She was used to cowboys with slick lines. But those two were something different. More dangerous somehow. In a vehicle, trapped in close proximity, she was likely to combust.

“He’s on his way,” Colt said, pocketing his phone.

“We shouldn’t have inconvenienced him—”

“Inconvenienced, my ass. He was probably just jerking off.”

She didn’t have a response for that one. Or any breath, due to the pictures that formed behind her eyes at his crass reply.

She’d never imagined Drake naked, but the image formed with surprising speed. He was a few inches shorter and a bit more muscular than Colt, and he had blond hair and blue eyes to Colt’s dark hair and tawny eyes. Both men were big and brawny enough to set her pulse racing. Tonight must be the night for her to think about things she normally tucked away.

Like sex. And Colt naked. And Drake naked. And her with her ass flapping in the wind.

Aw, cripes, her ass.

She slapped a hand over the hole in her dress and pretended she didn’t notice Colt’s smirk.

What they needed was a conversational detour. Stat. “How’s your cut?”

He wiggled his fingers. “I think I’ll live.”

There was no missing the small dark splotch on the fabric she’d wrapped around his hand. “You’re bleeding through.”

“I’ll live,” he repeated.

The sound of tires squealing made her glance up and squint. How could Drake have gotten there so fast? Colt and Drake’s horse-training business and their attached residence—Colt had recently moved into the main house with Drake, though they stayed on opposite sides of it from what she’d heard—was just up the road, but still, he must’ve broken the speed limit.

“Must’ve skipped the cleanup,” she said, marching over to Drake’s brawny SUV ahead of Colt.

His laughter trailed after her.

“Hey,” Drake said softly, pushing open the passenger door. “Nice to see you.”

“Hi,” she said, equally soft. As much as she enjoyed poking at Colt, she liked just talking to Drake. He was a great listener and didn’t have the reputation of being a ladies’ man like Colt did. And also didn’t possess the attitude that he was God’s answer for sex-starved females. He was much easier to deal with on a million levels, not the least of which being he had never been wedded to her best friend.

“Took you long enough,” Colt said, climbing in back. “Paige hated to interrupt you and your hand.”

“Classy.” Shaking his head, Drake put the truck in gear and pulled into the street. “So how was the wedding? I’m sorry I had to miss it.”

“Fine. Nice. Good.” At his sharp look, she swallowed. “I didn’t rip my dress till afterward.”

Oh great, because she really needed to get that out there, just in case he’d missed her flapping ass.

“She saved me.” Colt stuck his bandaged hand between the front seats. “Fucking glass. I might need a tetanus shot.”

“Pussy,” Drake said mildly. “You better not use that as an excuse to— Shit.” He swerved around something in the road, rocking the SUV wildly. He glided the vehicle to a stop on the opposite side of the street. “Christ, what was that?”

Paige was too used to handling stuff for herself to sit idly by. In her house—and her business—she took care of whatever needed to be done, and she wasn’t the type who couldn’t kill her own spiders. She was on her way out of the vehicle to check it out before either man had moved a muscle.

“Jesus, Paige,” she heard Colt say just before she shut her door.

She’d made it three feet before headlights sliced across her face and she threw up a hand to shield her eyes. Brakes squealed and she had the sensation of being yanked backward, then she was colliding with Drake’s SUV. Loud music poured over her as the vehicle that had nearly taken her out blew past them, careening up the road.

“Stupid fuckers,” Colt muttered, his face a white mask of fury.

All at once she was aware of his big body pressing into hers. Christ. Colt had snatched her out of the road and kept her from being turned into mincemeat. And now he was staring down at her, his brows snapped down low over his golden eyes, his fury banked but still leaping between them like a barely chained animal.

She was breathing too fast, her skin prickling with goose bumps in spite of the heat. Her heartbeat stampeded in her chest and she tried to find the words to speak. To thank him for saving her—
